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Well cheap 2005 R1 engine
Oliver Jetson - 18/10/05 at 11:56 AM

R1 Engine


David Jenkins - 18/10/05 at 11:57 AM

No engine ID/Numbers?



mangogrooveworkshop - 18/10/05 at 12:32 PM

sold with the frame lol

Oliver Jetson - 18/10/05 at 12:43 PM

I love the sellers ebay name - blacksexmachine!!! haha!

ChrisGamlin - 19/10/05 at 08:32 PM

A bit odd, very cheap but very dodgy.

If its anything like mine, it owuld be hard to get rid of the engine number as its stamped on in about 3 different places and its not immediately obvious like it was on my old Blade which had a machined flat area specifically for the stamp.

greggors84 - 21/10/05 at 10:30 AM

Seems very suspect that he said the numbers were sold with the frame.

If i was building a track only car that wasnt going to be registered i would be tempted for the price.