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BEC Indy on Ebay
gingerprince - 4/11/05 at 03:12 PM


gingerprince - 10/11/05 at 09:41 AM


Picked it up last night. Absolute bargain! Pictures when it's light and dry, but here it is nicely tucked up in my garage: -

£4750. with spare engine, spare set of wheels with NEW slicks, digidash etc etc. Built by a guy with 20 years motorsport tech. experience and currently building a road legal Nascar truck, so needed the space.

Just need to learn how to not stall now

donut - 10/11/05 at 10:59 AM

What an absolute bargain!! Well done mate...

Don't forget the MK Owners Club

Hellfire - 10/11/05 at 12:51 PM

Great news!! Has the TVR gone yet? Looks like we'll be seeing more of you at the meetings then. First one at MK on Saturday

gingerprince - 10/11/05 at 01:20 PM

Will be joining the club, its on my to do list.

TVR hasn't gone yet. I'm taking advantage of the "buy in autumn/winter, sell in spring" thing. TVR needs work, cam is shot and diff is stuttering so it needs work before I can sell it.

Definately be along to some meets, but can't make this weekend ( plus I want to learn to set off in it first )