Picked it up last night. Absolute bargain! Pictures when it's light and dry, but here it is nicely tucked up in my garage: -
£4750. with spare engine, spare set of wheels with NEW slicks, digidash etc etc. Built by a guy with 20 years motorsport tech. experience and
currently building a road legal Nascar truck, so needed the space.
Just need to learn how to not stall now
What an absolute bargain!! Well done mate...
Don't forget the MK Owners Club
Great news!! Has the TVR gone yet? Looks like we'll be seeing more of you at the meetings then. First one at MK on Saturday
Will be joining the club, its on my to do list.
TVR hasn't gone yet. I'm taking advantage of the "buy in autumn/winter, sell in spring" thing. TVR needs work, cam is shot and
diff is stuttering so it needs work before I can sell it.
Definately be along to some meets, but can't make this weekend ( plus I want to learn to set off in it first )