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Nitrous System Sale
TimC - 17/11/05 at 02:07 PM

Copied & Pasted from e-mail: (I'm a customer.)

Dear Valued Customer,

Just a quick note to make sure you're aware there is 20% off progressive controllers up until the end of November. Keep your eye out for future deals on the site (especially around Christmas time).

On a side note, this cold weather can bring nitrous performance off it's peak because of low bottle pressures, a bottle heater is the perfect answer and they even help performance in the warmer months by keeping a consistent bottle pressure. We will soon be launching our new pressure controlled heaters which, as always will be the best available. I hope we'll have these ready before Christmas so again, keep your eye's open.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your custom and for taking the time to read this email.

