Does anyone have any experience of importing parts from the states? What are the costs incurred through HM customs when importing? I seem to have
found a comparitively cheap supplier of 4AGE Engine parts in the US and want to understand the costs of importing these parts berfore I commit to a
purchase. Any info gratefully recieved.
In my experiernce its very much down to luck, have imported a few bits and bobs over the years, the majority got through without duty a few got caught
though. Also depends how accomadating your supplier is, a dummy invoice enclosed with the goods for less than the real value will help limit the tax
you pay.
Not car related but a friend of mine had to buy a ball thingy for his car so the American trailer would fit. the Ball thingy cost $9 and $150 to UPS
it over!!!!!
My mate had loads of stuff for his car shipped over. Got stung 20 - 40 quid duty for most things. Depends how lucky you are.
Get in sent by USPS Global Express (not UPS) and get a low value put on the box (under $80). I get stuff sent every week by this method, the odd large one gets duty on it.
Bit of a gamble, the larger packages tend to attract the nice men from HMC+E, but Ive also had smaller ones stung.
To be safe, add 10% import tax and 17.5% VAT on the whole lot (and a couple of quid Royal Mail "handling charge" - robbing gits) and if you
dont get stung, youre quids in.
Can be very worthwhile, but dont rely on it being overlooked to make it financially viable.
Also, well worth paying extra for insurance, USPS (and others) dont offer it on many of their smaller packages and Ive had a few heartstoppers with
late arrivals.
I paid £175 for a boost controller that costs £275 here, and even with the £25 P=P I still saved £75 - well worth it.
Yep, but had you been whacked for duty, it would have been about £260 plus a bit for Royal Mail. Still cheaper but best to estimate prices worst case
and you wont be dissapointed.
I have goods arriving from the US every week, and in about 40 shipments, Ive been stung once but that I think is more due to the small sizes. Writing
GIFT or valuing it at less than its worth can help but it is by no means guarunteed, theyre not daft.
Ive imported from China, Hong Kong and Singapore about a dozen times and been stung 3 times but the parcels were larger (but China etc are only 8%
import tax).
Horses for courses, but depending on the cost saving and the size of the package, you might just be unlucky and negate the saving
Here in the states import tuners are buying JDM (japanese domestic import) motors and trannies, sometimes full front clips, with 30,000 miles on them. If you had enough people or were a firm you probably could get a container or half container shipped for much less than trying to buy them peicemeal...don't know if that is helpful for you.