I've just listed some bits i had kicking around on eBay, most of them are Renault bits but there's a Pinto dizzy and manifold on there.
I've also got a complete steering colulm with switches from what could be a early Escort ,a windscreen frame which fits a +4 scuttle but this
obviously depends on the profile and a couple of old sets of pedals that hang from a bar. I'll go and takes some pic's if anyones
[Edited on 26/1/06 by Ben Graber]
I could be interested in the windscreen frame where are you and how much
I'm currently looking for some pedals if the price is right. Would save me the hassle of making my own
how much 4 the manifold mate
I've taken a couple of pics, also found a wiper motor and linkage for a kitcar. dnmalc, I'm in St. Austell Cornwall. DIY Si, just looked at the pedals, they arent up to much and you'd have to collect them so they are foc. baz 6524, you have U2U. All pics in my archive under '4 sale'