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nice Honda on ebay.............
Jon Ison - 3/2/06 at 01:43 PM


gary gsx - 3/2/06 at 01:51 PM

In god i trust!!!!! wtf

Dillinger1977 - 3/2/06 at 01:53 PM

gut-wrenchingly awful!!!

it looks just like a skyline from the back.. honest.
is the rear number plate supposed to be at a p..ssed angle?

donut - 3/2/06 at 02:19 PM

I like the wheels, really befits the car..or rather the owner!!

Mansfield - 3/2/06 at 03:04 PM

What are the trophies for?

bob - 3/2/06 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Mansfield
What are the trophies for?

Probably darts

graememk - 3/2/06 at 03:24 PM

wow how smart is that ?

well its not so there lol