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Could this be the ultimate Sierra donor?
donut - 3/3/06 at 11:14 AM -ROD_W0QQitemZ4617452238QQcategoryZ18308QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


mookaloid - 3/3/06 at 12:02 PM

Could be

omega0684 - 3/3/06 at 02:53 PM

£500 and that is without meeting the reserve!

flak monkey - 3/3/06 at 03:04 PM

Lightening rods are great. The engine in that should be nicely tweaked, but I am not sure how far they are allowed to go.

donut - 3/3/06 at 03:32 PM

Why is it called a Lightning rod?

flak monkey - 3/3/06 at 03:36 PM

Its one of the ICARACE series

And here are the rules...

They are one of the biggest stock cars so are the fastest in general...unless you want to get into super rods...


donut - 3/3/06 at 10:03 PM

Looks fun!

"delivering competitive non-contact racing on a reasonable budget." - Yeah right!!

this looks fun though...