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Just put the barge on ebay
Jon Ison - 19/11/06 at 12:55 PM

May or may not be of interest too someone on here

Kook - 19/11/06 at 01:23 PM

What mpg do you get ?

Jon Ison - 19/11/06 at 01:52 PM

I'm not gonna lie, I see one on ebay claims 38mpg+. I find that hard too believe, we see around 30 on decent runs less on short trips.

I love speed :-P - 19/11/06 at 02:27 PM

how much can it tow?

Jon Ison - 19/11/06 at 02:38 PM

Dunno, don't have owners manual, would need kerbside weight too work it out i guess.

bob - 19/11/06 at 02:41 PM

You could of give it a clean jon

Jon Ison - 19/11/06 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by bob
You could of give it a clean jon

No........ its does say used always suspicious of squeaky clean cars me.

Hellfire - 19/11/06 at 04:31 PM

I'm always suspicious of unclean cars. Like they're trying to hide scratches, dents, imperfections or colour differences in panels.


Jon Ison - 19/11/06 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
I'm always suspicious of unclean cars. Like they're trying to hide scratches, dents, imperfections or colour differences in panels.


Dent shown and pointed out in photo and description, there is NO fresh paint or colour differences and yes I'm full of imperfections, as the description says imho it is in well above average condition for year and open too any inspection. Its a 12year old used 4x4 not a showroom 4 month old merc. Rescued attachment f959_1.jpg
Rescued attachment f959_1.jpg