Just spotted on the Rally design add inside the cover of the latest PP&C mag
Type 9 Gearbox extensions - looking reamrkably similair to those from a certain well known 7 manufacturer (Ahem!)
only £58.16 inc vat
It doesn't appear to be listed on their website yet.
- And I just forked out over £90 for the identical item from the aforementioned manufacturer
Originally posted by 02GF74
I bought a Tiger one which is pretty much identical to the Westie one, its pretty poo though with lots of play, unlike the Westie one ive heard.
It was only about £5 cheaper too!
Maybe worth paying more for the product which is most likely built to better tolerances.
The film is coming on tv soon, I saw a preview of it yesterday. Some bloke with a remote that works on real things