I bought myself one of these, and it looks a very good bit of kit, especially those with bike engine that have 4 separate coils.
Programmable to a silly number of revs as you can alter the range really easily with some dip switches inside. Easily go up to 18k revs and more and
down to about 2k from memory.
Will also work on engines with uneven firing angles and all sorts of stuff.
Oh and its got a full throttle upshift bit in too kill the ignition on upshifts for those with bike engines.
Top bit of kit for £50
[Edited on 30/5/07 by flak monkey]
I like that and after a few missed gearchanges on the track yesterday, my poor old engine woulkd like one too
I was wondereing if an independant unit was available, let me know if it's easy to wire in and I might get one.
I might look for an even lowercost option too, coz I;m a bit skint on the toy front at the mo
Piece of pi55 to wire in:
1 switched live (off the coil usually)
1 earth
4 separate coil wires which if you only have a single coil like most cars you can actually tie up and put inside the limiter box!
1 optional wire for the shift kill.
Thats it
Have attached the instructions for people to have a look at if interested (note the jumper and dip switches are inside the revlimiter box)
[Edited on 30/5/07 by flak monkey]