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Web pages keeping opening - tried Ad-Aware without joy?
Steve Lovelock - 14/5/09 at 06:31 PM

Recently I have been getting web pages opening on my laptop without my doing whilst I am surfing. I tried Ad-Aware and found that it made no difference. I discussed it at work with the IT chap who said he thought it was something that Ad-Aware should cure but only if I disable a few bits and pieces before I run it.

Any ideas how I cure this problem?

cd.thomson - 14/5/09 at 06:35 PM

Hi Steve,

What browser do you use? are we talking about pop ups, or unique windows randomly opening?

If the second one - have you run a scan with adaware or just installed it? If the first you need to install a popup blocker which I could possibly recommend based on the answer to the browser question.

BenB - 14/5/09 at 06:42 PM

Also depends if it's occuring whilst you're browsing or when you're working on something else.

If pop-ups are appearing whilst you're working it's like adware / malware. If they're appearing whilst your browsing it's more likely to be you need a pop-up blocker Annoyingly as quickly as pop-up blockers are updated new methods of circumventing them are discovered. Haven't had a problem with pop-ups for years (since switching to FF) but recently bloody bingo adverts keep on popping up. Got to get me a new add-on

Also worth doing a "safe mode" adaware scan. And it might be an option to use Spybot Search and Destroy which I prefer to Adaware (the immunise function is quite handy too even if it bloats out your hosts file).

Snuggs - 14/5/09 at 07:02 PM

I have been getting the same thing for the last few days.

Happens when browsing any site (even this one)

Using FireFox 3.0.10 as default browser but unwanted windows open in IE.
Using McAfee antivirus and Spybot Search & Destroy.
Also ran Housecall 6.5 from TrendMicro

Still happening

viatron - 14/5/09 at 07:13 PM

do the browser pages have CID in the top left or right hand corner, sopunds like a variant of the cid trojan, try this tool:


Restart your computer and boot into Safe Mode by hitting the F8 key repeatedly until a menu shows up (and choose Safe Mode from the list). In some systems, this may be the F5 key, so try that if F8 doesn't work.
First close any other programs you have running as this will require a reboot
Double click NoLop.exe to run it
Now click the button labelled "Search and Destroy"
<<your computer will now be scanned for infected files>>
When scanning is finished you will be prompted to reboot only if infected, Click OK
Now click the "REBOOT" Button.
A Message should popup from NoLop. If not, double click the program again and it will finish

JUD - 14/5/09 at 08:20 PM

Sounds just like the problem my teenage daughter had on her laptop and Adaware/Spybot couldn't shift it.

Try HijackThis - you can download it from Here

Run it and it generates a load of lists of startup apps, Browser Helper Objects (BHO) etc.

Scan through that and see if there is anything you don't recognise. Could be a BHO that has been installed and is pinging up adware junk - so look at anything with (BHO) at the start of the line.

If you get stuck then you can always cut and paste the results into this thread & I can have a butchers.



madmandegge - 14/5/09 at 08:22 PM

Try downloading and running HijackThis, takes a bit of time to work out what isn't necessary, once you get used to it the "fake" entries stick out a mile.

If you're stuck, their forums are excellent, if you post the log generated they'll tell you what needs cleaning up.

Have you tried downloading "Spybot search and destroy"? If not, google it, then download it. If there's anything it can't remove, it'll mark itself to start before windows has booted properly. Failing that, restart the PC in safe mode (press F8 when booting) and run spybot in safe mode.

Might also help to do a full virus scan while booted in safe mode!

edit - Obviously I need to type faster!

[Edited on 14/5/09 by madmandegge]

aerosam - 14/5/09 at 08:42 PM

In my past experience, adaware and spybot attracted more spyware than without them. They pretty much killed off my last laptop. Best way to cure it all is spend a few quid and buy a well known anti virus package.

Personally I use norton anti virus, it cost me £25 2 years ago and we have had no trouble since.

madmandegge - 14/5/09 at 08:55 PM

Originally posted by aerosam
In my past experience, adaware and spybot attracted more spyware than without them. They pretty much killed off my last laptop. Best way to cure it all is spend a few quid and buy a well known anti virus package.

Personally I use norton anti virus, it cost me £25 2 years ago and we have had no trouble since.

Not trying to intentionally go against you here, but I've never seen any such thing myself!

The immunise feature in Spybot is especially useful, I'm less impressed by AdAware, but I install Spybot on most new machines I setup. It's probably better at defending against infections than removing them though.

Still the HijackThis log should give us some more info

britishtrident - 14/5/09 at 09:18 PM

Yep Hijack this or some of the other stuff of merjin site usually fixes this sort of issue
However I would strongly suggest switching to Firefox and install the AdBlocPlus adding and subscribing it to update from EasyList

[Edited on 14/5/09 by britishtrident]

foskid - 15/5/09 at 05:05 AM

Try "superantispyware" I found that worked where all the others including Norton failed.

Steve Lovelock - 15/5/09 at 02:54 PM

Hello again,

Thanks for the feedback. I am running XP and WWindows Explorer. I am getting unique windows randomly opening whilst I am using the internet explorer. I have scanned the system with Ad-Aware. Now I will follow the recommendations listed and let you know how I get on.
