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Horse meat scandal....
jossey - 13/2/13 at 08:13 PM

I'm sick of it all I'm gonna stick with chicken at least I know my chicken burger is chicken....

bi22le - 13/2/13 at 08:29 PM

ha ha. the old classic rat burger on the way back from the pub. its never harmed me.

eek eek!!

big_wasa - 13/2/13 at 08:31 PM

I would be very happy to eat horse if it came from a butchers and was fit.

The real isue is if its fit or if its even horse.

No chance of me having had any as I avoid processed meals.

Peteff - 13/2/13 at 11:12 PM

I'll only eat unprocessed meat from now on, filly mignon for me please.

Wheels244 - 13/2/13 at 11:44 PM

We've probably been eating it for years.
It doesn't seem to have hurt anyone - doesn't make it right though.

The thing that has got me wondering though, is where does it all come from ?
You see fields full of cows but only the odd horse or two in field now and again.

spiderman - 14/2/13 at 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Wheels244
We've probably been eating it for years.
It doesn't seem to have hurt anyone - doesn't make it right though.

The thing that has got me wondering though, is where does it all come from ?
You see fields full of cows but only the odd horse or two in field now and again.

Romania apparently.
In this economic climate a lot of good horses and ponies are ending up being slaughtered as a lot of people are struggling to be able to afford to keep them. Prices at auction are at the lowest prices I have ever seen and people are offering to give their beloved animals away to folk with land in the hope they won't end up at the slaughter house and be turned into dog food or on the tables of the French or Belgians.
I have worked with and been around horses for most of my life but see nothing wrong with horse meat as a food source in actual fact it is a very good source of protein and is better for you than a lot of other meats we eat, it's just the deception which irks me.

James - 14/2/13 at 01:14 AM

In Romania they recently banned the use of horses on the roads so suddenly there's a lot of spare horses kicking around apparently.

steve m - 14/2/13 at 05:32 AM

At least it makes the maine story

owelly - 14/2/13 at 09:51 AM

It's made me look at what I eat in many different ways. I'm mainly looking at other creatures and wondering if they'll taste nice too....

Slimy38 - 14/2/13 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by owelly
It's made me look at what I eat in many different ways. I'm mainly looking at other creatures and wondering if they'll taste nice too....

I've been doing it for years, any meat that gets me away from the traditional farmyard stock always gets my attention. Emu/Ostrich still seems to be evading me, I may have to pay the stupidly high prices of internet meat soon.

Jasper - 14/2/13 at 10:24 AM

For me it's not the fact that it's horse, it's the fact that people may have been eating horse meat that could have come from any source and include brain and spinal column, unknown and unregulated drugs, really old and sick horses, etc etc. You can beat your life they wont have been dealt with the same way as our beef is.

I've been buying all my meat for ages from a good local butcher who has a sign on his counter saying what farms all his meat is from, and it's no more expensive than Tesco. And it's all free range.

chillis - 14/2/13 at 12:57 PM

The issue is not that you have been duped into eating horse meat but that, as horses bread for meat command a higher value that prime beef, the horse meat being used in place of beef is illegally sourced horse meat which since its probably not bread for food could contain things not suitable for humans, also since this appears to be happening on a large scale across europe that would suggest this is a significant organised crime not some kind of clerical error. But then with the major grocery chains forcing down the price on suppliers to barely subsistance levels what do you expect, the supermarkets can't keep lowering prices while posting increased profits without a margin being squeezed somewhere

Mattwillmett - 25/2/13 at 06:09 PM

haha yummy

MikeRJ - 25/2/13 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
For me it's not the fact that it's horse, it's the fact that people may have been eating horse meat that could have come from any source and include brain and spinal column,

Fortunately horses don't suffer from the equivalent of BSE/Scrapie. However, they do have drugs pumped into them that makes them unfit for consumption.