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Bonnet bulge in fibreglass
peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 04:29 PM


My EFi Pinto is too tall to fit under the bonnet and I didn't want to go for a modded manifold, so I cut a hole in the bonnet, but now looking for ways to fit a bulge. I reckon a fibreglass job in red gelcoat would look great, but I have no previous experience in this and it's one of the few jobs that I'm happy to let someone else do. In fact, it's probably making the mould that's the tricky/time-consuming bit, as I don't think producing the piece out of the mould is *that* hard! Anyone know of a bespoke fibreglass part maker?? If they were near Hove all the better, but I could always send a diagram to show exactly what I want.


daniel mason - 6/11/10 at 05:22 PM

you can buy them pre made so no moulds would be needed! i think dax sell them and someone on here makes them (but they are large. alternatively carbonmods sell them in c/f but not the cheapest!

peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 06:03 PM

Hi Daniel,

I meant to say that I'd already looked at pre-made bulges, but couldn't find anything suitable. Part of the problem is that the Pinto EFi manifold slopes up toward the rear of the engine bay and sticks out several centimetres, so the usual kind of scoop bulge wouldn't work. I've seen the carbonmods one and don't think that would work either, although could try fitting it backwards! Anyone got a picture of the Dax one, can't seem to find that. I still think a bespoke piece would be the ultimate - Don't mind shelling out if it looks really good!


Triton - 6/11/10 at 06:06 PM

Have a butchers in my archive as there are pics in there of bonnet bump things...My daughter has got the mould so if it's something you feel will work let me know.


daniel mason - 6/11/10 at 07:06 PM

search user name chris taylor under his thread new bonnet scoop! im sure that will fit and i think it looks good

stevegough - 6/11/10 at 08:20 PM

I had the same problem - I cheated and gave it to a fibreglasser friend who also cheated - he sourced a scooter mudguard, cut it to shape and bonded it all round with fibreglass - result - see below.

Hope this helps?


peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Triton
Have a butchers in my archive as there are pics in there of bonnet bump things...My daughter has got the mould so if it's something you feel will work let me know.


Hi Mark,

They look smart, particularly the teardrop one, although I fear it would be too small (must get a pic of the problem for you). Don't suppose you have any dimensions handy for them?


peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by daniel mason
search user name chris taylor under his thread new bonnet scoop! im sure that will fit and i think it looks good

That is a biggie!!! I'm sure it would fit, although for my taste it looks a bit over the top. I found pics on the Dax website in the end, although I can't see a price. Just wondering how they attach it now, as I can't see a lip, unless it's on the inside.


peter_m7uk - 6/11/10 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by stevegough
I had the same problem - I cheated and gave it to a fibreglasser friend who also cheated - he sourced a scooter mudguard, cut it to shape and bonded it all round with fibreglass - result - see below.

Hope this helps?


Hi Steve,

That looks great! Unfortunately, my protrusion is longer and wider than that (oo-er), so don't think I could get away with a copy of that solution. I keep waiting for inspiration on something of the right size and shape, but it never comes! I'll get a pic of it, so that you can see the trickiness of the problem.


stevegough - 6/11/10 at 08:53 PM

Sorry, didn't realise you had a big one. mine was just to cover my little pipe


2cv - 7/11/10 at 10:39 AM

Why not try this approach?

You can make it any shape you want and glass it onto your bonnet just as easily as if it were fibreglass.

[Edited on 7/11/10 by 2cv]

peter_m7uk - 7/11/10 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by 2cv
Why not try this approach?

You can make it any shape you want and glass it onto your bonnet just as easily as if it were fibreglass.

[Edited on 7/11/10 by 2cv]

Hiya 2CV (sorry, can't find your name!), I must say that does look really nice!!! Pushing the shape out was something that had occurred to me, but I assumed that aluminium would simply crack and tear, so I thought nothing further of it.

I have NO experience of this kind of metal-working, however. I've never heard of a bossing mallet and "planish with a dolly and slapper" sounds like something that would happen in a nightclub at 3am But I'm game

I see you can get 1.5mm 1050A ali on 1.5mm Aluminium Sheet 1050A: 1000mm x 1000mm on eBay (end time 29-Nov-10 18:54:32 GMT) , but don't know how important the grade is?? I have sheets of ali lying about from my kit, but no idea what they are. I'm a bit worried by RK's comment that he thought it was just too hard to do... Although if you say it's only 3hrs work, then could give it a try.

Annealing also sounds like a black art, although there's a decent article here. At £25 a sheet, could get quite expensive if it took several goes!

I am interested though If you could give more detail to an absolute beginner, that would be great!


peter_m7uk - 7/11/10 at 07:01 PM

Ok, I said I'd get some pics, so took these ones this afternoon. For info, the bonnet hole is 370mm long and 200mm wide at the maximum. The manifold protrudes 45mm above the bonnet at the highest point. As you can see, it's quite off-centre and the bonnet is starting its curve down on the right-hand edge, to make things trickier. This may be a problem for the ali-bashing idea, as you have to mount the piece in flat sheets of wood. Might be able to work with this problem, though.

peter_m7uk - 7/11/10 at 07:05 PM

Hmmm, where are the pics? What did I do wrong?! I pressed the button for images and inserted the URL, but nothing....

jacko - 7/11/10 at 07:30 PM

Photos to big i think
Bonnet hole 2
Bonnet hole 2

[Edited on 7/11/10 by jacko]

2cv - 7/11/10 at 08:09 PM

Hi Pete, sorry my name is John and thank you for your reply.

If you do decide to have a go check to see how easy your scrap aluminium is to bend. If it's springy, it is probably a tough alloy and working it would be difficult. I would suggest you try to find 1050A pure aluminium either 1.2 or 1.5mm thick sheet. You may find your local non-ferrous stock holder will supply small pieces. Failing that, if you let me have cut out in card of the shape of the bulge and also the profile ie max height and any taper, I'll see if I can make one for you.



ps I think the slope on the outside can be accommodated by the mounting flange which being soft can be shaped to fit.

[Edited on 7/11/10 by 2cv]

peter_m7uk - 7/11/10 at 09:45 PM

Hi Jacko, so it's one pic at a time, then? I'll give it a go.

John, thanks for your reply. I don't think I've got a tough alloy, found it fairly easy to bend in the past. Does the 1050 stuff have the most "workable" properties, I take it? I'm not sure that I'd want to impose on you, not without a handsome sum of money changing hands, of course! Also, I'm wondering how to attach and finish the piece neatly. My intention was to have an unpainted ali bonnet with a red fibreglass bulge, but if I went this route would I be forced to filler and paint to make it look good? Wasn't sure if I could put the lip on the underside and stick some edging round the join, then keep it all ali.

Thanks again,


PS Still didn't get the pics to work, but they're in my photo archive, so easy to access. Cheers.

[Edited on 7/11/10 by peter_m7uk]

2cv - 8/11/10 at 07:56 AM

It's just my opinion, if you have an aluminium bonnet particularly a polished one it is good to have aluminium fittings rather than fibreglass. The bulge can be polished as well and it all looks like one part rather than an add-on. The bulge can be riveted on as the extraction flutes in this picture.

[img] Description

If you do decide to have a go you'll be surprised how easily the aluminium forms but I'd recommend that you use either a wooden mallet with a rounded head or a piece of hardwood shaped to the kind of radius you want and hit that with a Thor hammer or the like. You actually don't have to put an awful lot of shape into it to give the clearance you need.

If all else fails, I'll be pleased to make one for you for the cost of the postage.



dickie b - 8/11/10 at 09:14 PM

try dropping Andy Westgate a line - he makes all sorts of stuff in GRP / plastics. He is currently doing my fury bonnet bulge (among other mods) and the results so far have been superb

I think he may have some 'off the shelf' moulding that may work for you - well worth a call.