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First MOT
Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 03:52 PM

Just been to the post office to tax the Kit, they said the car needed a MOT after the first year because I had it registed on a old log book. I rang the tax office who said the same. I thought it was 3 year?

Paul (Notts) - 14/8/08 at 04:27 PM

Tax it online and you should be fine.


Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 04:36 PM

The tax office said if I was pulled or I needed to claim on insurance they would ask for a MOT.

Ben_Copeland - 14/8/08 at 04:49 PM

What d u mean by registering it on an old log book? The year of manufacture should say last year. If not it'll be older than 3 years I guessing. its not still registered as your donor car is it?

Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 05:11 PM

I registed it last year, donor log book from a 1994 ford, as I had used the old ford diff, received a old registration E Reg I think, so I then put a private reg.

[Edited on 14/8/08 by Robert Ryan]

BenB - 14/8/08 at 05:13 PM


If you got pulled the lack of MOT might not be the only problem. Incorrectly registered cars are not very popular (understatement) with the DVLA (or the police!) for obvious reasons. If they pull up the number of your car on a database it'll show up as a 1994 Ford which (unless the copper knows nothing about cars) it clearly isn't.....

Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 05:21 PM

what have I done wrong ?

meany - 14/8/08 at 05:25 PM

what does it actually say on your log book?

Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 05:28 PM

date of first registration 07/..1994
Date of first reg in UK 2007

TimC - 14/8/08 at 05:30 PM

Woah - there's no legal problem here. He's just got an age related plate, the same prefix as the donor vehicle. Quite normal, and not illegal at all. It just suggests that all but a couple of major components came from the same donor.

This does however seem to confuse the DVLA - I got 'caught out' and took my old J-plate Indy for an MOT after a year.

It's not necessary and there's a bloomin' good post on here somewhere that explains all. Can we stop the scaremongering now please?

Hang on - edit having seen this:

Originally posted by Robert Ryan
date of first registration 07/..1994
Date of first reg in UK 2007

Except, that doesn't seem right somehow. That suggests to me that they've registered your car in the same way that they register a grey import and hence, I have no idea......

[Edited on 14/8/08 by TimC]

Ben_Copeland - 14/8/08 at 05:45 PM

Did u do a SVA?

It shouldnt be saying 1994, that suggests to me you have same registration as donor and therefore its not showing as only 1 year old.

Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 06:07 PM


I took the car to dvla registed it .
got an age related plate, the same prefix as the donor vehicle.
2 weeks later
had a SVA test. (last year)
6 months ago put on a
private plate.
This year have been asked for MOT.

[Edited on 14/8/08 by Robert Ryan]

adithorp - 14/8/08 at 06:21 PM

You shouldn't have been able to register it before SVA. For a kit to be registered it has to have a MAC certificate first. DVLA screwed up!

I think you need to go and see them and get it sorted (good luck!). The MOT is the least of it.


Robert Ryan - 14/8/08 at 06:33 PM


theconrodkid - 14/8/08 at 06:47 PM

ive never known a car to be registered before SVA,you need to hand the MAC over to get a reg no,but then again with the good old dvla anything is possible

Paul (Notts) - 14/8/08 at 07:56 PM

use the above link to see what details are recorded on the data base for your reg. If its still the doner car then you need to sort it out.

You Cant register a kit and get a reg before the SVA -

Do you still have the MAC


BenB - 14/8/08 at 08:27 PM

Sounds like DVLA have screwed up.....
Have you still got the MAC then???
You probably need to retrospectively apply for an age-related plate. Considering DVLA screwed up I expect they'll do whatever you want

TimC - 15/8/08 at 07:04 AM

If your car is now registered as an MNR, and all seems well, I'd be very tempted to do the MOT and move on. Otherwise you're going to be doing a lot of letter writing etc etc. For the sake of £36....

What are other peoples' views on this?

Krismc - 15/8/08 at 04:14 PM

what are other peoples views on this ?

I think he technically hasnt got the right documents for his car, therfore his car isnt registered and therefore hasnt the right insurance and therefore should phone and sort with DVLA-

if for example he left as is and he was given a producer for a crash- Im sure the police would have something to say.

[Edited on 15/8/08 by Krismc]

Robert Ryan - 15/8/08 at 06:00 PM

Phoned dvla twice, Both times they said that any car that has been registed with some donor parts will get a age related plate.

Any car with a age related plate needs a MOT after the first year.

Looks like I am of to get a MOT tomorrow.

Johneturbo - 15/8/08 at 06:22 PM

I'm sure even Q plates don't need an MOT before 3 years. it does sound very odd. i did have mine inspected before sva, but no chance of reg before sva.

DarrenW - 19/8/08 at 09:27 AM

Assuming you used Stockton DVLA i will be shocked if it has been registered incorrectly. kelly at Stockton did mine Dec05. I know Coozer had his done by same person this year so ill guess there is continuity.

Did DVLA issue you the age related registration docs before SVA? Or did you just contact them before SVA to get the paperwork etc and then after SVA hand in MAC etc before they gave you the reg? I had home inspection several weeks before SVA but it wasnt until after SVA that i could complete the application and get the reg and V5.

Assuming your car has been registered correctly, i had a similar issue 6 months after registration when i went for next 6 months tax (or maybe the tax at the 12 month anniversary - cant remember which now). Couldnt do it online as it asked for MOT. i contacted Kelly and she told me to send V5 back into her with a cheque for tax - reconfirmed that no MOT due for 3 years. She sent tax disc to me in post and V5 off to swansea. The error was with Swansea. V5 was created incorrectly. log book came back - looked identical to me but there are various codes on it that might have changed. Taxing has been Ok since.

Hope this helps you. Keep us posted.

marc n - 20/8/08 at 06:12 PM

i havent read it all but are you on an age related plate ???, if so have you the same reg as the donor , if so then the dvla have cocked up, your car to be legal should say its an mnr on the logbook if it says anything else then the car is illegally registered please check asap as you insurance could be void, if you need any help give us a bell at work tomorrow

best regards


Robert Ryan - 20/8/08 at 07:00 PM

Yes I am on a age related plate, but when I registed they gave me a different reg same year I think.

Log book says mnr but it also says
first registed 1994
First registed in uk 2007

[Edited on 20/8/08 by Robert Ryan]

Hellfire - 20/8/08 at 07:52 PM

I'd agree with TimC. It sounds as though the DVLA have made a slight error. You could either open a can of worms with the DVLA and spend loads of time writing letters or stump up the money for an MOT.

Personally, I'd pay for the MOT and forget about it.


Paul (Notts) - 20/8/08 at 09:24 PM

Check your insurance details here your reg as in your pics R8***

if so strange result...


Robert Ryan - 20/8/08 at 09:43 PM


Date of Liability 01 08 2009
Date of First Registration 24 08 2007
Year of Manufacture 1994
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 998CC

Hellfire - 20/8/08 at 10:03 PM

According to your HPi Report your car is actually an Audi Allroad Quattro TDi A

Hmmm..... the plot thickens, maybe just not updated the HPi Report Data.


tootall - 21/8/08 at 12:23 AM

hpi details will have come from last car the private plate came from as its only been on 6 months.

Fozzie - 21/8/08 at 12:54 AM

Sorry but you cannot register a car before SVA. You can get an inspection and be allocated a VIN number prior to SVA, but that is it.

Also, you cannot put/buy a private plate, that makes the car 'newer' than it actually is.... (affects age related kits).

'R' prefix was 1997/1998. You said that your donor was 1994? .......

Also, it is up to the registered keeper/owner to ensure the details on the V5 are correct.
It seems as though there has been a major ba££s up somewhere.......what VIN was allocated/is it correct on the V5?

For your own sake please check all is correct....


GeorgeM - 21/8/08 at 09:26 AM

sounds to me like dvla thought the car was
an import. As said you are responsible if
incorrectly registered - i'd get it sorted with
them. Insurance company would probably
claim you have misinformed them.
If you got an age related plate (94) there is no
way you can put an R reg on it.

stuart_g - 21/8/08 at 09:42 AM

The year of manufacture should also be 2007 although you should have got an age related plate of the donor which you say is 1994 'L' plate?
You should not be able to put any plate newer than 1994 on the car.

Looks like DVLA have made a major mistake.

I would not just MOT it, as has been said before your car looks as though it is incorrectly registered and needs to be rectified ASAP.

Robert Ryan - 24/8/08 at 09:59 AM

Well, after at around 6 calls to dvla, vosa and others everyone passing the book I have went out and got a MOT.




Paul TigerB6 - 28/8/08 at 08:59 PM

Hi Robert

Did you actually sort out your registration or just MOT it?? As said it sounds like DVLA have made a big cock up and all of the above is correct regarding not getting the registration allocated prior to SVA. By not sorting out this issue, you are aware that you are giving your insurance all the excuse they need to void your insurance in the event of an accident, and in addition opening yourself up to prosecution for incorrectly registering a vehicle even if its the DVLA's fault. Putting your registration into the "AskMid" database gives an Audi Allroad as said previously - so you are aware that the Police National Computer is likely to say the same??

So whats the conclusion

neilj37 - 29/8/08 at 09:13 AM

Isn't the car for sale on Pistonheads together with an orange MNR. If it is incorrectly registered as an Audi Allroad then if somebody does a search prior to purchase this is going to show up and could be a problem if somebody tries to insure it.

In addition I did a search on the orange MNR and this is not even registered on the system.

Robert Ryan - 29/8/08 at 06:15 PM

When I have put the reg in to AskMid" database it does come up as a mnr vortex. The reg of the car is not r8 ryo.

Cheers Rob

Paul TigerB6 - 29/8/08 at 06:26 PM

Ah gotcha - i'm with ya now.