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Help with indicators - partial success...
Benzine - 4/2/13 at 04:06 PM

I'm using a premier wiring loom and my car has been on the road before with indicators all working. It's been stored for a number of years and now that I've hooked everything back together the indicators don't do anything at all. The only thing that lights up is the tiny bulb in the hazard switch (constantly on). Relay doesn't click and none of the indicators show any signs of life.

I found this switch diagram from locostbuilders (many thanks to whoever made it!) and I've added a diagram of the relay I have. What can I check with my multimeter to find out what's wrong? All I know so far is that pin H30 is getting 12v. I don't seem to be getting anything from column switch pins 49 and 49a when I try the indicator stalk (with ignition on)

[Edited on 4-2-2013 by Benzine]

Not Anumber - 4/2/13 at 04:14 PM

If it was working before the car went into storage and the panel light comes on without flashing that says to me that the flasher relay has just packed up. Its a cheap part thats easy to replace so i would make a start on that before going any further.

Benzine - 4/2/13 at 04:23 PM

Oh, forgot to mention I got a brand new relay today from the autofactors but no joy

Dunbikin - 4/2/13 at 04:57 PM

Sounds like a dodgy earth on the relay. Check terminal 31 on your relay base to see if it is going to earth.

big-vee-twin - 4/2/13 at 05:14 PM

The indicator switch is notorious for getting damp and crud inside, it enters through the red switch on top, mine was all working then stopped and it was the switch, you can open them up clean them and oil, bit tricky watch-out for the little springs!!

SteveWallace - 4/2/13 at 05:16 PM

The following diagram shows how the Sierra indicator switch is wired inside. The right part of the switch is the hazard and the left part is the normal indicator operation. Its set up so that you get voltage to H30 even when the ignition is off so that the hazards can work at all times, but you only get voltage to the left/right indicators when the ignition is on. As these supplies are different, have you checked the fuse (F7) in my drawing. Either way, maybe this diagram will help with testing...

... notes that there are switched earth and switched live versions of this so your wiring might be a bit different, but the internals of the switch work the same.

renetom - 4/2/13 at 05:19 PM

I would go for a dodgy earth.
get a piece of wire from the neg
to the relay see if that works.
good luck.

wilkingj - 4/2/13 at 05:57 PM

If its a Sierra Set of Stalks, then check the printed circuit board around the hazard switch area.
Mine went there. Water drips down the hazard switch and onto the PCB, corrodes and causes problems. Mine began with a flat battery after winter!
Charged the battery, and it went flat again. Traced it to the Hazard switch area, had that green copper-rust fungus look!!

I urge ALL people with Sierra Stalks to introduce a small amount of WD40 or sinilar to the area around the hazard switch (ie on the printed Circuit board area) Especially if the Hazard switch is exposed to the elements, ie rain can get on it and seep inside the switch.

Check, and replace if necessary.

If it worked before, then its a case of something detoriating or gone faulty.

Benzine - 4/2/13 at 05:57 PM

Thanks for all the replies I checked the earth by bypassing the relay to a good earth but no luck. I've just taken the switch apart and this is what it looks like inside (large pic for detail):

lol. Anyone got any tips on how to clean the contacts and give them some more protection for the future? Degrease, rub with very fine sandpaper?

Edit: all cleaned up and refitted but still not working, at least it's ruled it out though

[Edited on 4-2-2013 by Benzine]

wilkingj - 4/2/13 at 08:13 PM

I clean with Isopropyl alcholol, meths would be ok as well (possibly even carb cleaner, but test it on something similar first). The perhaps a smear of vasseline. A VERY light rubbing with fine emery if its particularly corroded. Do not use silicone grease as when the contacts arc the silicone turns to glass and insulates the contacts. (This was a BIG problem siting business telephone exchanges located near photocopies that used silicone lubricants in the 80's)

I just lubed mine with wd40.

Thats 200% better than what mine looked like!

[Edited on 4/2/2013 by wilkingj]

Benzine - 4/2/13 at 08:28 PM

Thanks for that info

Update: after more probing I've found that when I bypass terminals 54 (Ignition supply) and 49 (supply to flasher), whilst still connected to the column, all indicators work when I use the stalks and the hazards work when I press the hazards button. Is this basically saying there is something wrong with the stalks?

Blue wire is the one I inserted into the back of the connector block that clips into the column:

RK - 4/2/13 at 10:39 PM

no matter what else you may find, I am going to bet you still have a dodgy earth somewhere. It's easy to knock them out of place. ALL my wiring issues have been this; and I've redone my wiring several times, with only slight improvement each time. I tend to add things, and then go "what the hell, while the dash is off..."

SteveWallace - 6/2/13 at 08:05 AM

Slight hijack of the thread, but the drawing with the blue wire two posts must have been made recently as you have been testing. How did you manage to upload it to this site as I thought that the functionality to upload pictures to the photo archive was still down (at least, mine is)?

Benzine - 13/2/13 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by SteveWallace
Slight hijack of the thread, but the drawing with the blue wire two posts must have been made recently as you have been testing. How did you manage to upload it to this site as I thought that the functionality to upload pictures to the photo archive was still down (at least, mine is)?

Only just seen this post, I uploaded to photobucket. Oh and RK, I've just taken off the main loom earth and given it a good sanding and clean up, still no luck. I've also had the stalk apart again and rebuilt it.

Can anyone advice me on how to test what the problem is? I have a multimeter and whilst I know how to use it (as in turn it on, connect the probes to the wires and read a value), I don't know how to use it (as in which relay terminal, which fuse, which connector to connect them to to diagnose faults)

[Edited on 13-2-2013 by Benzine]