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Thank you, Speedy cables.
norm007 - 4/3/10 at 11:26 PM

Just dropping a line to praise Speedy cables for a quality cable and very good service.

Posted my clutch cable last Friday, received phone call Tuesday with a query, another phone call Wednesday to say completed and to take payment, then I received cable Thursday.

I can`t praise them enough.

austin man - 4/3/10 at 11:35 PM

always good to hear about positive service. I have had excellent service from McGill Motorsport over the pas couple of weeks I think we should have a recommend me a supplier section on the site

designer - 5/3/10 at 10:03 AM


Speedycables are brilliant. Custom throttle cable using sierra bits £27!!

Less than the Ford garage, if they can find you one that is!!

Alan B - 5/3/10 at 11:01 AM

I used to use speedy cables 25 years ago...they were very good then. Glad to see there some things you can rely on.