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midge - 18/8/10 at 10:02 AM

Hi all,

Sump drain plug tread finally given up. Plug is rattling around and leaking like hell. Its an aluminium sump, looks about M14 size. Any suggestions on best (cheapest!) repair solution.


tegwin - 18/8/10 at 10:07 AM

Something like this? 55&cguid=471d907b12a0a0aad0d102e1ff87a6d8

Or take the sump off and go to your local engine rebuild place, they should be able to helicoil it for about a tenner...

Howlor - 18/8/10 at 10:25 AM

If you don't fancy helicoiling it then I just had a boss turned up out of ali and had it welded on to the sump. Cost me £20 and had it moved to the side at the same time to stop the speed bumps catching it.


adithorp - 18/8/10 at 10:49 AM

At a guess... VAG? They're the favorite for doing it. A helicoil repair will sort it; Done loads. If it's completely striped it then you don't need to drill the hole out, just tap it for the insert.
Think VAG is M14 but my helicoil set for them has gone missing so can't confirm.
