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IOM TT advice for 2011
pif - 7/10/10 at 01:27 PM

Have been tasked by the boss at work to take 3 customers to the TT next year. The are quite VIP so it needs to be full luxury so no camping or sleeping in cars.

They want to have full VIP which I can buy fairly easily for at least one day.

the problem is most of the big hotels want at least 4 nights and we cant commit that much time to the event.

Ideal would be fly or ferry out, stay overnight, vip race day, stay again and then travel home.

Travelling from manchester BTW. Guests are Italiano


Q. which is the best day to go on?

Q. Fly or ferry?

Q. How to get around during the day?

Q. hotel contacts to get around the 4 night rule, or travel companies

Q. things to do in the evenings?

Q. any pitfalls?


obviousley i've never been before.......

mangogrooveworkshop - 7/10/10 at 01:30 PM

wow dream job......the reality is probally way differant.

pif - 7/10/10 at 01:56 PM

yeah, its a rare perk.

norm007 - 7/10/10 at 01:57 PM

Best day to go is the Friday before Mad Sunday.
Friday is the busiest night on island, loads of stunt shows on, loads of bands playing all over Douglas, Saturday is 1st race day and then Mad Sunday.

Trouble is ferry and flights get booked very early for this weekend due to above reasons.
So try get booked now to make sure.


[Edited on 7/10/2010 by norm007]

nick205 - 7/10/10 at 02:01 PM

Not sure you'll overcome the 4 night rule - the collective industry will band together very tightly on this sort of thing to maximise profits.

A lot of venues/towns are the same - Brighton for example is very difficult to book a single weekend night during the summer.

One option might be to offer the other nights out at work at a subsidised price - nice perk for those that might want to go and would help minimise costs to the company. You might alos be able to get some bigger travel discounts if you're booking for more people.

[Edited on 7/10/10 by nick205]

norm007 - 7/10/10 at 02:02 PM

Forgot to add, the St Heliers hotel on Douglas prom is very reasonable on price and very clean/friendly. (though not 5*)

I have stayed here a couple of times including July this year for the Southern 100 road races

steve m - 7/10/10 at 05:14 PM

I went there in 1980 i think, poss 81
Didnt even take a sleeping bag or tent, just drank, fell over slept were i fell


pif - 7/10/10 at 06:00 PM

must of been good if you lost a year of your life

steve m - 7/10/10 at 09:30 PM


I need to find the piccys to be sure of the date. I say it was 80, mum says it was 81

but did spend an awful lot of the time pissed as a fart !

handyandy - 8/10/10 at 07:25 AM

Originally posted by steve m

Didnt even take a sleeping bag or tent, just drank, fell over slept were i fell


Sounds like the only way to go

I raced there a few yrs ago, most scary & yet one of the most memorable weeks I,ve ever had.
