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midge - 21/7/11 at 06:39 PM

Fuel consumption on my 2.4 diesel Alfa 159 has never been the best and paying £6.17 a gallon is becoming painful. Has anyone tried Turbomag fuel savers? Advertised at £25 a pair and as acheiving 20% better fuel economy I thought I might give them a go.

Any thoughts?


Confused but excited. - 21/7/11 at 06:56 PM

Have a look at :

Failing that, do you want to buy a bridge?

Ninehigh - 21/7/11 at 07:17 PM

Three ways of using less fuel:
1. Press the right pedal less
2. Have a smaller engine
3. Keep it all in tip-top condition (serviced, tyre pressures, lose excess weight and so on)
4. Drive the car less

Ok four, four ways of using less fuel (although the last one is a dumb option)

MikeRJ - 21/7/11 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by midge
Fuel consumption on my 2.4 diesel Alfa 159 has never been the best and paying £6.17 a gallon is becoming painful. Has anyone tried Turbomag fuel savers? Advertised at £25 a pair and as acheiving 20% better fuel economy I thought I might give them a go.

Any thoughts?


Just ask yourself why these miracle magnets would not be fitted by the manufacturer for a few pennies they would cost? Because it's complete crap, designed only to remove money from the wallets of the uninformed and line the pockets of the snake oil peddlers.

Spend your £25 on 4 gallons of diesel, at least it will be useful.

balidey - 21/7/11 at 09:16 PM

I met a guy once that bought something like this, recorded his mpg before and after fitting. He claimed it actually did make a difference for the better, a noticeable difference. But there is no evidence, real evidence they work. Maybe he did a different journey after it was fitted, or he drove differently, or weather conditions were different.
So, yes they are crap.... but why don't you get one, do an independent test for us and report back in a month.

PSpirine - 21/7/11 at 09:32 PM

It won't even give you 2% better fuel economy.

However, if costs are hurting you, check out some of the hypermilers forums - those guys get stupid mpg out of anything and everything.

I can get 56mpg out of my 1998 1.3 Micra...

Tyre pressures make a massive difference, make sure you take off things like roof racks if you have any.. mudflaps can sometimes help, sometimes make mpg worse (if you've got them, try both ways!). If you're going anywhere far away, then sitting behind a lorry on the motorway can easily add 20% to your mpg figure.

Around town, short shift and don't rev too much.

Ironically I used to get amazing fuel economy during the cold spell as my daily commute which is a country B road blast turned into a bit of a dance on crystal pedals, the careful driving saving me lots of petrol.

Finally, some cars can be remapped quite successfully for a bit more fuel economy.

If there's one thing you can do to get better economy, it's start tracking your MPG every single tank load (I used to have an excel file). It'll make you conscious of how much you're using (exactly) and it'll make you want to better your own figures!

Jasper - 22/7/11 at 09:28 AM

I fitted a decent quality tuning box to my 530 BMW diesel. Not only did it add shed loads more torque I'm now getting over 36mpg compared to the 31mpg I was getting before - a 20% rise. The box was £300 but worth every penny, it even has 4 maps and 4 power levels if you want to mess about with it.

I got it from these people: