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Vauxhall Astra Van
Dunbikin - 25/2/13 at 07:48 PM

Hi all,

I would just like to pick your brains if I may. I have an 04 astra van 1.7 cdti, engine code Z17DTL. The van over heated the other week and I have been told by the garage today it needs another engine. I've been looking on the Bay and CDTI engines are going for about £800, but DTI engines are going for £300 - £400 (same engine code Z17DTL) . Sooo... my question is, could I get a DTI engine and fit the common fuel rail to it to convert it to CDTI.

Thanks for your time


morcus - 25/2/13 at 09:43 PM

I don't know enough to say, but it seems reasonable that you could. Do you know whats salvagable from the current engine?

Ninehigh - 26/2/13 at 01:20 AM

I get the feeling that the cdti engines you're looking at are somewhat different to the one you have, and the dti ones are the same just labelled differently. Not that I'd know any of it

snapper - 26/2/13 at 07:59 AM

Fuel rail pressure, I believe, is much higher than in the DI engine
So assume fuel pipes and pump could need changing
ECU will as some key the injectors to the ECU
On the surface it all seems easy but when you dig deep it becomes more work than its worth

Dunbikin - 26/2/13 at 06:54 PM

Thanks for the replies chaps...Given me some food for thought.

Do you know whats salvagable from the current engine?

Should be all the engine, apart from cylinder head.