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John Button RIP
sky12042 - 13/1/14 at 04:19 PM

So sad to hear this.


loggyboy - 13/1/14 at 04:43 PM

RIP and condolences to Jenson and the rest of his family.
Very sad indeed - he always came across as very genuine chap and he always seemed to have a smile on his face. I bet the pit lane will miss him alot.

scootz - 13/1/14 at 04:43 PM

Shame. Seemed like a decent bloke.

jacko - 13/1/14 at 04:48 PM


Jon Ison - 13/1/14 at 05:05 PM

Yea just had a text about this, RIP John, thoughts go to your family.

Wheels244 - 13/1/14 at 05:12 PM

That's terrible news - he seemed a really nice, genuine bloke.

RIP John - F1 is a better place due to your involvement.

omega 24 v6 - 13/1/14 at 05:50 PM

Always came across as a Straightforward Guy and a loving father R.I.P.

russbost - 13/1/14 at 06:40 PM

Probably one of the most genuine supporting fathers the sport has seen, certainly in recent years. RIP John, thoughts go out to all friends & family

Mr C - 13/1/14 at 07:34 PM

Very sad and a huge loss to the world of F1 and the pitlane, Thoughts and prayers are with the family..

ash_hammond - 13/1/14 at 09:16 PM

Very sad news.

I agree with everyone else, he came across as a very genie bloke... The type you would happily drink a few pints with.

Condolences to Jensen and his family.

Jodieshann - 13/1/14 at 09:41 PM

sad indeed

pif - 14/1/14 at 05:00 AM

RIP, always came accross as a top bloke to me and deserves credit for the support given to JB