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macspeedy - 9/1/09 at 04:21 PM

First job in 10 years due to ill health 6 months in i get made redundant!

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/1/09 at 04:25 PM

If you work hard and do your best you get the sack like all the rest

But if you mess and laze about you will live to see the job right out"

The work is hard the pay is small so take your time and sod them all

For when you are dead you be forgot and on your gravestone neatly lacquered

Just bleeding Knackered.

[Edited on 10/1/09 by mangogrooveworkshop]

clairetoo - 9/1/09 at 04:27 PM


mookaloid - 9/1/09 at 04:36 PM

Bad luck mate

Nothing lasts forever though - just view it as a stepping stone to greater things

Hope it works out for you.

Humbug - 9/1/09 at 04:48 PM

F3ck! @rse!

Sorry to hear it mate. Hope you find something else soon.

johnston - 9/1/09 at 05:20 PM

Yip alot of it going about, I got put on sick by doctors to let new medication settle in, got fired the next day used too many days off during probation as an excuse (4 more got chop following week)and they knew of the medical problem well in advance because its why i changed jobs

But keep the chin up and hopefully everything will fall into place!!

macspeedy - 9/1/09 at 05:30 PM

Thanks for the words of support!

MikeR - 9/1/09 at 07:08 PM

You've got 6 months of work under your belt so your CV and bank balances have improved (i hope), you're in a better position than you where 7 months ago.

Good luck job hunting, i suspect a lot of us will be in the same boat very soon

JoelP - 9/1/09 at 07:18 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
i suspect a lot of us will be in the same boat very soon

amen to that! Its the only comfort i find nowadays when i think things look bleak, we're all in the same boat Good luck macspeedy.

orbital - 9/1/09 at 08:23 PM

Aye no where is safe at the moment. I work for a rather large IT firm (IBM) and their are rumors doing the rounds that they are going to make 16,000 people redundant globally. So who knows what's going to happen!

