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A1 - 18/5/09 at 12:58 PM

is anyone else really pissed off at these chaps screwing us out of our hard earned money and wasting it? then they have the cheek to launch campaigns on benefit fraud...(not that thats right)
think we need to 'clean out our closet'

blakep82 - 18/5/09 at 12:58 PM

they are a complete shower....

jabbahutt - 18/5/09 at 01:18 PM

Well beginning of next month you'll have your chance with the elections. Use your vote to get these fraudsters out.

Mr Whippy - 18/5/09 at 01:25 PM

It’s totally disgraceful

Next they'll be not paying for TV licenses, council tax and using other people’s wheelie bins!! bunch co artist free loaders

Confused but excited. - 18/5/09 at 01:28 PM

The amount the exchequer loses annually to benefit fraudsters is infinitesimal compared to what it loses and tax fiddles and 'creative accounting' by the big companies (the ones that these politicians end up with a seat on the board of when they leave office). Or the amount the same politicians, who scream about benefit fraud, rob us of in bogus expenses.
I reiterate; Lamp posts, rope..............

nick205 - 18/5/09 at 02:30 PM

Does it wind me up? - YES

Does it shock me? - NO

What does make me laugh though is all the people spouting on about how they work for real companies in the real world and how they can't and "wouldn't dare" claim for all these things.

Truth to the fore, most people claim for what they can and would claim for more if they could. If you were claiming expenses at work and your colleagues said - "hey guess what I've been claiming for my mortgage, moat and pool and I'm not breaking the rules" - then you'd pretty soon start thinking - " well I'll have some of that then!".

I'm not sayin it's morally right, far from it, but the system and those cotrolling it was wrong and people just played it for what it was worth - LOTS £££.

Knee-jerk reaction and a general election? Who's going to guarantee the next bunch of MPs are any better (or worse)?

Another thing that makes me chuckle is how happy old Tony-Tone must be that he handed the stick (and what a shitty stick it was) over to Gordon when he did. He must be killing himself - he never did like Gordon anyway

Hellfire - 18/5/09 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by nick205

Another thing that makes me chuckle is how happy old Tony-Tone must be that he handed the stick (and what a shitty stick it was) over to Gordon when he did. He must be killing himself - he never did like Gordon anyway

The moral of that story Mr Brown is "be careful what you wish for!", he should never be in power in the first place - unelected, unapologetic and unloved!!!

Serves him right - election now! But hang on, wont we be replacing him with the same sh*t from a different shower!


blakep82 - 18/5/09 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It’s totally disgraceful

Next they'll be not paying for TV licenses, council tax and using other people’s wheelie bins!! bunch co artist free loaders

ha ha ha sounds familiar

andyd - 18/5/09 at 03:30 PM

The MPs don't change though do they despite our votes (or lack of).

They are still members of parliament and will continue to claim for what they feel like regardless of which party comes into power.

It's not just Labour MPs claiming for all sorts, it's the whole lot of 'em.

Bring in a dictator I say and let's get back to communism!

James - 18/5/09 at 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
It’s totally disgraceful

Next they'll be not paying for TV licenses, council tax and using other people’s wheelie bins!! bunch co artist free loaders

Haha! Yeah, imagine that Whippy! Someone not paying their licence!!!

James - 18/5/09 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Well beginning of next month you'll have your chance with the elections. Use your vote to get these fraudsters out.

It's a European election next month.... not an election for anyone in parliament.

The ones you elect to Europe have their noses in the trough even more... but atleast that's paid by everyone in Europe, not just us!!!

MikeLR - 18/5/09 at 06:44 PM

Richard Brunstrom threatens to probe MPs

May 18 2009 by Dan Beavan, Daily Post

Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom has vowed to investigate Welsh MPs expenses.

He said at a Rhyl Rotary Club meeting he was shocked by the Daily Telegraph revelations and was considering asking for any evidence of law-breaking.

“The contempt being shown to the public by MPs beggars belief," he said. “There has been talk of funding private prosecutions and bloody well right, too.

"As a public servant who has always acted honourably, I need a receipt if I buy a Mars bar and want to claim for it, and I would arrest anyone who stole a Mars bar from Woolworths.

"We cannot forgive the banality of people who steal from the public purse and then have the gall to believe that if they hand it back, then that makes it all right.

“They have no respect for the process and these revelations I believe warrant criminal investigation.

"This is an issue of such public importance the police should be taking a positive interest in what‘s emerging."

He now might ease off on drivers in North Wales !!

Maradona - 18/5/09 at 06:58 PM

Unfortunately here in argentina, corrupt politicians are very common, they buy votes from poor people, In countrys like argentina is frustrating see how these miserable populist politicians use a poor people to win the elections.
The best weapon is have a good memory in the elections.

craig1410 - 18/5/09 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by nick205
Does it wind me up? - YES

Does it shock me? - NO

What does make me laugh though is all the people spouting on about how they work for real companies in the real world and how they can't and "wouldn't dare" claim for all these things.

Truth to the fore, most people claim for what they can and would claim for more if they could. If you were claiming expenses at work and your colleagues said - "hey guess what I've been claiming for my mortgage, moat and pool and I'm not breaking the rules" - then you'd pretty soon start thinking - " well I'll have some of that then!".

I'm not sayin it's morally right, far from it, but the system and those cotrolling it was wrong and people just played it for what it was worth - LOTS £££.

Knee-jerk reaction and a general election? Who's going to guarantee the next bunch of MPs are any better (or worse)?

Another thing that makes me chuckle is how happy old Tony-Tone must be that he handed the stick (and what a shitty stick it was) over to Gordon when he did. He must be killing himself - he never did like Gordon anyway

Couldn't agree more!!

While I am disappointed at some of the blatant fraud which has been going on I think the whole thing is being blown out of all proportion just like the swine flu pandemic. To tar all MP's with the same brush is grossly unfair in my opinion and is more than a bit hypocritical at the same time. Many MP's work very hard and only claim modest expenses. Just like most people in the banking industry work hard for modest salaries only to be tarred with the same brush as the decision makers at the top who got it wrong.

Many people in the private sector claim sick days when they are not sick or do 35 hours when they should do 37 or alter their private mileage claims in their favour and while the scale of this may not be the same as some of the claims made by MP's, it is the same crime nonetheless.

Then you also need to remember who voted almost all of the MP's into their current positions! That would be you and I... Well actually in my case the party I voted for didn't actually get elected but we can say that the "people" voted in almost all MP's and so we need to take some of the responsibility.

What worries me more than the current political situation is the mob culture in the UK where something like this expenses row boils over into a row between the people and those elected by the people to govern the country. This is our government whom we elected in good faith. We are free to put ourselves forward if we think we can do a better job. I don't think it helps when the people of the country take pot shots at those we chose to represent us. If you feel strongly about something then do something about it (peacefully of course...) - write to you MP, create a petition on the government website, produce leaflets etc. Don't just accuse all politicians of being a shower of fraudsters!

Rant over, I feel better now! This wasn't aimed at anyone above specifically, I'm just fed up of the media whipping everyone up into a frenzy over something which really just needs cool heads and some overdue reform. In the words of Gene Kranz, flight director of Apollo 13, "Let's work the problem people"...
