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snigger 2
nib1980 - 7/10/09 at 12:19 PM


liam.mccaffrey - 7/10/09 at 12:31 PM

"The cage fighters were then seen teetering away in their high heels, stopping only to pick up a clutch bag they dropped during the melee"

norm007 - 7/10/09 at 12:32 PM


iank - 7/10/09 at 12:47 PM

Replay of Priscilla queen of the desert then

Surely everyone knows that transvestites out on the town are ALL as hard as nails, the ones that aren't stay at home!

Mr Whippy - 7/10/09 at 01:01 PM

damn fine punch too

woodster - 7/10/09 at 01:30 PM

class eat your heart out Dick Emery ....

[Edited on 7/10/09 by woodster]

James - 7/10/09 at 02:24 PM


I know a couple of people who do Savate and cage fighting.... will pass the link on.

I'm frankly bloody impressed** these guys left it at that... if I'd been attacked by someone and they were then lying on the floor I'd have damn well wanted to put the boot in and given them something to really moan about the next day!


**I say impressed as they'd probably have ended up in prison themselves for that!

[Edited on 7/10/09 by James]

Rod Ends - 7/10/09 at 03:48 PM

Chavscum humiliated

scootz - 7/10/09 at 05:21 PM

Originally posted by James
I'm frankly bloody impressed** these guys left it at that... if I'd been attacked by someone and they were then lying on the floor I'd have damn well wanted to put the boot in and given them something to really moan about the next day!

Pretty sure the boot was put in once they hit the deck!

scootz - 7/10/09 at 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Rod Ends
Chavscum humiliated

Fantastic outcome... me likes!

One-nil to Average Joe!

Mind you, it could have ended so much more different... he should never have allowed that arse into his defensive-space! He should have rammed his nose through the back of his skull on the first approach (and then put the boot in... repeatedly! ).