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dog insurance
NS Dev - 13/2/11 at 09:51 PM

Anybody able to give me an idea on monthly premium to insure a yellow labrador for "non-routine" vetinary work?



Richard Quinn - 13/2/11 at 09:55 PM

Our malamute is done through the Kennel Club at £34/month (kit car is cheaper!!)

graememk - 13/2/11 at 10:03 PM

my dog isnt old enough to drive as hes only 6.

NS Dev - 13/2/11 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Our malamute is done through the Kennel Club at £34/month (kit car is cheaper!!)

yikes, that's more than I thought!

MakeEverything - 13/2/11 at 10:18 PM

Originally posted by graememk
my dog isnt old enough to drive as hes only 6.


NS Dev - 13/2/11 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by graememk
my dog isnt old enough to drive as hes only 6.

is that dog years?

Thurbs - 14/2/11 at 01:18 AM

Costs me about 30 quid a month with pet plan, worth every penny as I've got an accident prone physco springer.
Thought about getting cheaper deal with sainsbury's a couple of weeks ago, then two days later he bust his jaw chasing a stick !!!!( which I did not throw )
Some plans are cheaper but get as always you get what you pay for.

emsfactory - 14/2/11 at 05:26 AM

Just got some fro my german shepard. £18 a month. upto 7K but only for a year.
I'll get a full life one when she gets a few years older.
That also includes accidental teeth and gum which alot of the cheaper ones dont.

You can get basic basic for £6 odd a month.

Pays your money.

[Edited on 14/2/11 by emsfactory]

franky - 14/2/11 at 08:02 AM

Its the biggest con in the world

You'd be looking at £18ish a month with an excess on top of that. We had years with no big claims, just cuts etc then got a letter through stating that they wouldn't cover him for all the usual things that go wrong with the breed as he hit 9

When I rang to cancel the insurance they had it cheek to ask why and didn't understand that he wasn't covered for anything except cuts.

b16mts - 14/2/11 at 09:14 AM

Mine are with "animal friends" pet insurance.

2 pedigree Great Danes, i think its 7.5k worth of cover per illness, and thats for life, not just for the year.

£18 each,

shop around as you can usually half the price of petplan without halving the cover.


MikeR - 14/2/11 at 10:01 AM

Depends on the age, our black lab started out at 11 or 12 pounds per month as a puppy. Now he's 8 is about 20 pounds per month. This excludes dental cover and has 50 pounds excess.

We've made about 4 claims but its the peace of mind that makes it worth it. We know if anything happens we don't have to worry about can we afford to look after him.

The other 'big' reason is it gives third party insurance. If he runs out in front of a car and causes an accident, we're insured.

If you want any details give me a shout and i'll get the info from Sarah (and if you want to go for a walk at burbage let me know - although we stroll slowly with the g/f being bumpy at the moment).

40inches - 14/2/11 at 12:39 PM

We insure our 6 year old Lab with Tesco, for £8 a month. Here

edsco - 14/2/11 at 12:54 PM

Think I pay about £11 per month with Pet Plan.

However, after speaking with the vet when we first got her, he said to you really want to get insurance...? I was a little surprised when he said that.

After questioning it, he said that the ave cost for a fairly major op that he does is circa £300. If you pay say £15 per month into insurance, that is £180 a year and if you dont claim for say 3 to 4 years that is between £540 - £720!! The advice was, phone up and get a quote, then stash that money into a saving account for when the worst happens. That way, you keep hold of the money in case its needed, but if its never needed you have just saved yourself a load of dosh.

We pondered over this for some time which is best option. Boiled down to, you never know what could happen and you could need that insurance tomorrow.

Went for insurance in the end.

Mr Whippy - 14/2/11 at 02:31 PM

My sister had her last dog insured through the Asda one and after lots and lots of vets bills and the dog eventually being put down

Adsa were true to their word and payed all the bills without question or hassle and she would recommend them

thefreak - 14/2/11 at 08:30 PM

I'm paying around £18/month through morethan. Have been since he was a pup and he's 4 now (yellow pedigree lab). Over Xmas he was vomiting a lot so took him in over night. Xrays, IV, overnight stay and picked him up the following day after he'd had rather a large bowel movement - that'll teach him to eat brussell sprouts and chocolate (another story!) the bill... £540! Yes the excess is £40-50 but I know if I'd have been paying that £20 into a savings account for the last few years, it wouldn't still be there
Same with any sort of insurance. You begrudge paying it until the day you need it.