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what can i make?
blakep82 - 15/5/11 at 07:56 PM

I've got about 6-9 metres (might even be as much as 10?) of thick walled steel tube. think its about 1.25" o.d, and thick walled, maybe about 3mm thick? sorry to mix units

its been in my garage for years, didn't cost me anything, and i want to try making something with it.

give me some ideas

I might not do anything yet, but want some sort of inspiration. got enough other projects to do, but like ideas

Ben_Copeland - 15/5/11 at 08:04 PM

Trolley for something?

Big storage boxes?

Doctor Derek Doctors - 15/5/11 at 08:05 PM

Gaurd Tower?

Ben_Copeland - 15/5/11 at 08:08 PM

Gypo proof garage doors?

flak monkey - 15/5/11 at 08:09 PM

Bike frame

Killer - 15/5/11 at 08:10 PM

gantry for engine hoist?

blakep82 - 15/5/11 at 08:14 PM

hmm, trolley. i guess wheel dollies for the car would be useful for moving it about the garage. i'd need 16 heavy duty castors though, but i like the idea.
or a welding trolly
need loads of cheap castors now like at least 20 of them for not much

guard tower. i like it. need to keep the mongolians out somehow

gypo proof doors, got an alarm on it already after the great unwashed moved in to some waste ground 2 years ago

lol, bike frame, i'd love to. i kinda want to build a chassis for something, even if i never use it, but its a bit heavy for that really. maybe some kind of gritting machine for the winter? hmm

got an engine crane already, don't intend of taking the engine out much more anyway ha ha. intend to i know i will

[Edited on 15/5/11 by blakep82]

Paul TigerB6 - 15/5/11 at 08:23 PM

Weld up frame for the spare bedroom window and another for the door. Weld vertical bars in and turn the room into a cell.

Useful for keeping the kids in.........and the wife when she moans about your garage time.

HowardB - 15/5/11 at 08:36 PM

largest ever toothpick,....

blakep82 - 15/5/11 at 09:25 PM

haven't got wife or kids, though i guess i could imprison someone elses? might cause me other problems though

are you saying i've got the worlds largest teeth?
lol, maybe i could make the longest poking stick instead u

jono2020 - 15/5/11 at 09:39 PM

massive robot dildo...

blakep82 - 15/5/11 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by jono2020
massive robot dildo...

is that a dildo for a robot? (not sure thats their kind of think)

or a robot which is a dildo for humans? (definitely not my thing! if its something you're considering making, then good luck to you )

jono2020 - 15/5/11 at 09:58 PM

not thought about it that much... but im sure there will be money to be made either way...

MakeEverything - 15/5/11 at 10:25 PM

I made a sex chair once (in my batchelor days), like a sit down crucifix with some er.... apertures in certain places. It flew out and i made nearly 100% profit.

Benzine - 15/5/11 at 10:30 PM

massive hair spray spud cannon, although at 1.25" new potatoes or something like plums ^_^

blakep82 - 16/5/11 at 02:13 PM

welding trolley is the one for now. got my eye on a set of 4 tasty heavy duty castors for under a tenner delivered.

considering some wheel dollies, but we'll see.

then the suggested prison and 'sex chair' wtf? won't be for simultaneous use. i'm not fritzl ha ha

yeah, various trollys might be the way for now

RickRick - 16/5/11 at 02:26 PM

how about a race style quick lift

along the lines of second one down should be fine for a locost en&start=6&zoom=1&tbnid=jN7tRNtS0Bdr3M:&tbnh=124&tbnw=87&ei=-DPRTaPqBNKr8QOQionuDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dquick%2Blift%26um%3D 1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3DGGLG,GGLG:2007-31,GGLG:en%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1

Peteff - 16/5/11 at 03:28 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
I made a sex chair once (in my batchelor days), like a sit down crucifix with some er.... apertures in certain places. It flew out and i made nearly 100% profit.

I think I would have kept my mouth firmly closed about that

scudderfish - 16/5/11 at 03:54 PM ?

matt_gsxr - 16/5/11 at 04:10 PM

Ariel Atom, might need to put some bends in.

MakeEverything - 17/5/11 at 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Originally posted by MakeEverything
I made a sex chair once (in my batchelor days), like a sit down crucifix with some er.... apertures in certain places. It flew out and i made nearly 100% profit.

I think I would have kept my mouth firmly closed about that

Why? It was made to order and not really my cup of tea either, but thats what she wanted.