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Help Wanted - Anyone know of any Audio Books / Stories online (free)
Steve Hignett - 27/3/12 at 03:18 PM

Hi All,

Does anyone have any links to a site(s) that has (free) online audio books/stories.

Basically, what I'd like to do is sit at my desk and listen to stories whilst I work through headphones (Fed up of listening to Chris Moyles, which was going OK until recently - I know most people don't like Chris himself, but I think Comedy Dave is very funny).

Anyway - I'm usually OK at finding stuff via Google, but I'm always at an absolute loss whenever the subkect has anything to do with I.T.

Thanks in advance guys n girls...


loggyboy - 27/3/12 at 03:30 PM

you tube?

What about comedy? Some visual jokes might be lost, but I listen to these quite often

Ninehigh - 27/3/12 at 04:40 PM

No idea what it's like just found it now. also do a free book offer quite a lot

Also try itunes, look through the podcast sections for authors. I know Scott Sigler's got a few on there (that's how I found him)

brycheiniog - 27/3/12 at 08:04 PM

There are loads of decent books on here:

The Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series by Nathan Lowell is a good place to start..

splitrivet - 27/3/12 at 11:12 PM

I'm totally hooked on Audiobooks (non fiction), trouble is when I arrive at my job I dont want to get out of the motor.

Steve Hignett - 28/3/12 at 08:21 AM

Thanks Ninehigh, will check that one out later tonight.
Thanks brycheiniog, will check that one in a minute!
Thanks Bob, have replied to your U2U

UncleFista - 28/3/12 at 10:44 AM

Torrent sites carry audiobooks too, I can invite you to a private torrent site if you'd like ?