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Bombay - what should we see???
Jasper - 18/12/07 at 12:42 PM

My wife and I have been invited to the wedding of a Bollywood movie star to a Bollywood film producer in March this year - it's one of those once in a lifetime opportunities we don't want to miss - should be amazing.

Anyway, we're planning to go over for 2 weeks to justify the airfares. My wife has been to India a couple of times, but never Bombay, and I've never been before though have travelled a lot in Asia in my youth.....

So what does anybody have any good recommendations for places to visit in and around the city, or any trips out that are worth making, and any good hotel recommendations?

nib1980 - 18/12/07 at 12:52 PM

Hang On a minute and I'll tell you, I've been out there an few times and My friend next to me lives out there in summer, so I'll add a detailed response soon.

But as a word of warning if you've never been to india before, read up on it, and be very careful how you travel. I'm lucky my company aranges it all, but I have seen some bad incidents.

Dangle_kt - 18/12/07 at 12:54 PM


I'll get my coat

02GF74 - 18/12/07 at 01:28 PM


Volvorsport - 18/12/07 at 01:43 PM

and i was just about to say


ned - 18/12/07 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Jasper
My wife and I have been invited to the wedding of a Bollywood movie star to a Bollywood film producer in March this year

This year?

How did you get round the quantum flux capacitor issues?


Jasper - 18/12/07 at 02:16 PM

Bloody hell - you guys are so witty I can hardly contain myself

Anyway - I'm sat here at work with full-on man-flu feeling very sorry for myself .....

[Edited on 18/12/07 by Jasper]

Dangle_kt - 18/12/07 at 02:18 PM



new one


ahhhhh THANK YOU! *cimble clash*

Rek - 18/12/07 at 02:23 PM

just come back from my third mumbai work trip, where you stay depends where you have to get to as it's busy and can take an hour or two to get from north to south. If you want to stay near the airport the Leela is a nice place.

See the gateway to india and get a ferry to elephanta

go to crawford market, see the station there's a place where the laundry gets done (i dont remember the name) and not to far from the gateway is a street where you can pick up snide watches for 250 rupees (that are rubbish) or 1000 rupees (that are good) there's good expat bar there too.

if you want ive got a couple of numbers of reliable coolcab cabbie's who can drive you round and show you the sights, but dont forget to take an autoricshaw at least once just for the experience.

02GF74 - 18/12/07 at 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Volvorsport
and i was just about to say


Two ducks standing together watching the world go by.
One says "quack".
The other "I was going to say that"

davidosullivan - 18/12/07 at 02:32 PM

I went THIS YEAR in March and it was very eye opening. I travelled with colleagues so was relatively safe. Mumbai is a lovely place but at the same time you need to remember the cultural differences.

It was hot and humid so drink lots of bottled (unopened) water (or beer) I drank lots of coke, they closed the coke factory just after I got back as it had some contamination problem!.
You'll be alright eating in most restaraunts etc but avoid things like chutney on kebabs from street vendors (TRUST ME!)

Its a very rich quisine there so pack imodium, vitamins , rehydration stuff, etc, better to be safe than sorry. (agian TRUST ME)

As for the sites, its worth going to the town centre to do a bit of shopping, be safe with your money, you'll get beggars, street traders and even robbers walking along with you.

The Taj Mahal (hotel) is worth popping in to as its a stark contrast to the life outside its doors.

The harbour has the Gateway to India, which basicaly an old archway.

There's plenty of clubs and things to go to (but again you'll get beggars at the door). Jazz by the Bay was pretty good when I went.

Theres something like 13 million people there with 16,000 coming every day. If your out at night you'll see them sleeping in the central reservation!

Check wikipedia.

oh and don't hit any cows )

lastly, ENJOY!. I loved it.

wilkingj - 18/12/07 at 02:42 PM

Dont forget a hiden money belt. for those docs and money.

Its all been said before imodium, re-hydrate etc etc.

As for insurance..
cover for a Week in hospital, and then Air Ambulance to the UK.
It would need a house mortgage to do Air Ambulance from india, so make sure you are well covered specifically for a medivac job.

Have a good time.

Watch out for thr rainy season..

Jasper - 18/12/07 at 02:55 PM

Thanks chaps - I've done loads of travelling in Asia and some in South America, so am well up on all the usual travelling stuff to poorer countries, it's more specific Bombay tips I was after.

And after having dysentery 3 times now I just tend to take anti-biotics with me

davidosullivan - 18/12/07 at 03:07 PM


well like I say theres lots of things to see in the town centre. Theres also a park there with tigers (I think)

Your best bet is make friendly with someone at the wedding and get them to show you the sites.
you can probably get yourself a tour of the studios from the Bride and Groom

nib1980 - 18/12/07 at 03:14 PM

Right from my and my colleagues travels heres a pretty good list

MUMBAI (Bombay)
Gateway of India
CST (Railway) Station
Mahalakshmi Temple
Hanging Garden
Banganga (near Hanging Garden)
Beaches? (not in season)

GOA (Beaches) Good Season to Visit
GOA (down the coast) south of Mumbai 1hr flight

Taj Mahal – Agra
Red Fort – New Delhi
Golden Temple – Amritsar (Punjab) (also near Wagah border crossing)

Konark Temple – Orisa
Khajuro Temple

Meenakshi Temple – Madurai
Many temple in the South

CENTRE – Madhya Pradesh
Ranthambor – Tiger Sanctuary
Jim Corbett National Park – Sanctuary Tiger

Any questions please let me know

Jasper - 18/12/07 at 04:15 PM

Really useful - thanks ....

Paul TigerB6 - 18/12/07 at 04:54 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74

Bad Boy Pot Noodle???

Sorry for the dumbass OT posting

[Edited on 18/12/07 by Paul TigerB6]

Confused but excited. - 18/12/07 at 05:29 PM

Oh, and don't ask for a steak.

twybrow - 18/12/07 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt


new one



brycheiniog - 18/12/07 at 08:11 PM

If you go to Agra to see the Taj Mahal, it is worth taking a trip out to Fatehpur Sikri.

I would avoid driving outside of the city at night at all costs. I spent a few weeks in Delhi recently for work, and took a day trip down to Agra one Saturday.

We went down to Agra to see the Taj Mahal etc and had not realised quite
how far it was. It took nearly 5 hours each way which meant we were
traveling back in the dark. That journey now ranks as the most
terrifying I have ever had in a car...

Imagine meeting this sort of thing in the dark when you are doing 50mph
and it is doing about 5...

Add in a mix of suicidal pedestrians, massively overloaded tractors and
trailers (often with 30+ people in the back). Big lorries with little/no
working rear lights, stuff broken down on either or both lanes, vehicles
pulling onto the road without checking to see if anything is coming. In
fact the drive back was probably far more memorable than the monuments
we had been to see....

We were getting uncomfortable about the speed the driver was doing in
the dark (about 60mph) when a teenage girl just sauntered out into the
road in front of us without looking. The driver stood on the brakes and
sounded the horn which caused her to look our way and freeze. She then
did the classic run further into the path of the oncoming car before
turning back and running the other way. We must have come within a
fraction of a second of hitting her at about 40mph. After that I forced
the driver to slow down to about 45...
