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o/t Anyone had Lasik eye correction?
R1 STRIKER - 23/1/08 at 07:54 PM

As title says really. I'm booked in for this on friday at midland eye institute and just interested if anyone has any experience of this?



jacko - 23/1/08 at 08:03 PM

No sorry but good luck for friday

Mr Whippy - 23/1/08 at 08:07 PM

I haven't had it done myself but several friends have. Painless but a bit uncomfortable at points but almost instant results and all have been totally delighted. If I needed it, I'd not hesitate at all, even my dads going to get it done and he's a big coward

R1 STRIKER - 23/1/08 at 08:34 PM

Thanks guys, Yeah, really pleased i'm having it done. Just a little daunted by the unknown! A few friends have had it done and been very pleased. Particularly interested about peoples recovery time. I'm self employed and the less time off work the better.


DarrenW - 23/1/08 at 08:37 PM

I cant remmeber what you call the one i had (4 years ish ago). My treatment was where the suck they eyeball forward until the retina pulls away from optic nerve so they can cut the flap, pull it out of the way and then zap zap zap etc.

Totally painless, totally fuss free, fascinating experience. Not pleasant for first few days, have to wear eye shields for 2 weeks. Absolutely no complications and very very happy with it.

The whole procedure sounds far far worse than it really is. I had mine done at Ultralase in Newcastle.

BenB - 23/1/08 at 09:06 PM

They use anaesthetic. It's feels a bit icky but not painful and the results are amazingly quick....

twybrow - 23/1/08 at 09:08 PM

Chap at my work was off work for a week, and a bit red eyed and squinty for a couple more weeks. Then perfect and problem free.

Mr Whippy - 23/1/08 at 09:08 PM

some of my friends were back at work in the afternoon the same day! I'd have taken a week of claiming trauma

caber - 23/1/08 at 09:28 PM

Mate of mine had it done, used to need glasses for distance which was a pain s he is a biker but now needs glasses for reading He is in his 40s younger people have better ability to adapt focus.

Caber (still wearing glasses!)

NigeEss - 23/1/08 at 09:57 PM

Yep, I had it done 4 years ago, very pleased with the results.
Procedure was totally painless but uncomfortable, the clamping of
your eyelids and the actual cutting of the flap are the worst bits.
Doesn't take long and the results are immediate, although I had a
starburst effect at night time for a few weeks after.

One thing I will stress is to be absolutely religious with the aftercare.
Infection is the main cause of problems.

liamb - 23/1/08 at 09:58 PM

I had it done about 4 years ago and it really works well.

It is a little uncomfortable when they do it. Not painful but the thing that sucks your eye forward to make it in to a sphere feels really strange.

When they pull the flap back it goes all blurry and then you hear a clicking noise as the laser does it stuff, also smells a bit like burnt skin, then 2 minutes later you are in the recovery room drinking tea and eating a biscuit.

Although I dont think about it much now, it really has made my life lot easier.

Best of luck.

DarrenW - 23/1/08 at 11:20 PM

You probs didnt ant anyone to post snippets about the procedure if you are like me it would put you off or make you more apprehensive. Honestly though, apart from bits being weird and strange its rather an intersting procedure and very quick. It was probs the clamping i was dreading most - i had visions of clockwork style toture going on but they used loads of water stuff to flush the eye and i didnt experience any dryness.

Order some total darkness that night and piece and quiet. And as said be fanatical about aftercare. I had a box for right eye drops and seperate one for left eye. The eye screens are weird that i had to wear for a couple of weeks at night. For some strange reason you lose the urge to rub your eyes whilst recovering - cant think why

The end result far far exceeds any minor discomfort.

R1 STRIKER - 24/1/08 at 12:58 AM

I know what you mean, prob don't want to know too much about procedure! But thanks for all your comments. All helps to get better understanding of it.



DarrenW - 24/1/08 at 09:09 AM

Having laser eye surgery is a bit like abseiling. Before you do it there are all sorts of things going through your mind, hundreds of what ifs. These peak hen you are being prepped for the treatment and then 5 - 10 mins later you are sitting in the dark, with cup of tea wondering what all the fuss was about but buzzing at the same time as its a great experience.

tks - 24/1/08 at 11:21 AM

Over here in holland lasering eyes has always been a problem for the army.

Sow make sure you use a method wich ís approved by every instance you could be dealing with in the future.

If you do Lasik you cant fly the F16, if you do Lasek you can do every plane you want.

Think about it


R1 STRIKER - 24/1/08 at 11:45 AM

Sadly I don't think I'm ever gonna fly an F16!!!

Jasper - 24/1/08 at 11:45 AM

Had it done last summer, one of the best things I ever did - though low light levels are still a bit problematic (though still fine to drive etc).

R1 STRIKER - 26/1/08 at 10:21 AM

Thanks to everyone for comments. Had the laser treatment and pleased to say I now have sight!!! Really pleased with results. Not at all painfull.

Thanks again


Jasper - 26/1/08 at 11:41 AM

Cool - now you can go out and buy some really nice sunglasses

scoobyis2cool - 26/1/08 at 05:58 PM

I'm considering getting this too, been blind as a bat since I was about 7 (now 24). Would love to be able to wake up and see the time on the clock without having to scramble around for my glasses, or go swimming without bumping into things!

Sounds like it went well for you, can I ask where you got it done? How long does your prescription have to be steady before you can have it done?



R1 STRIKER - 26/1/08 at 11:40 PM

Hi Pete,

Yeah, went really well. Not sure exactly how long your prescription has to be stable for but mine hasn't changed for about 4-5 years now (i'm 28). I was -4 in both eyes. Had my 1 day check up this morning and was given the ok to drive, just 24 hours after surgery. I really can't believe the speed of recovery.

I had mine done at the midland eye institute in solihull. They are certainly not the cheapest, infact probably one of the most expensive but came very highly reccomended by everyone I spoke to. When looking into this I really wasn't interested in the cheapest, I just wanted the best!!

If you can have it done, go for it. You won't regret it.

Feel free to ask anymore questions.


scoobyis2cool - 27/1/08 at 12:21 AM

Thanks Ben, interesting to know about the clinic in Solihull, I live just the other side of Birmingham so it's fairly handy for me.

I couldn't agree more that the price is pretty much irrelevant, I just want to go somewhere that comes highly recommended.

My prescription is currently at -6.5 and has certainly levelled off but I'm not sure if it's stopped completely yet. I've got an eye test coming up in May so I'll ask about it then.

In the meantime I'll start swotting up on the difference between LASIK and LASEK!


R1 STRIKER - 27/1/08 at 09:06 AM

They were all great at midland eye institute. The guys name who did mine was doctor/mr Shar. I was talking to the girl going in after me and she was -8.

Good luck


Jasper - 28/1/08 at 11:35 AM

Originally posted by scoobyis2cool
I'm considering getting this too, been blind as a bat since I was about 7 (now 24). Would love to be able to wake up and see the time on the clock without having to scramble around for my glasses, or go swimming without bumping into things!

Sounds like it went well for you, can I ask where you got it done? How long does your prescription have to be steady before you can have it done?



Prescription needs to be the same for at least 12 months - I went to Optimax in Brighton and the service was excellent .... wish I'd been able to do it when I was in my twenties that's for sure

scoobyis2cool - 28/1/08 at 01:09 PM

Thanks Jasper, 12 months is shorter than I thought which is good. I think mine is still changing, albeit very slowly now, so I might have to wait a little while yet. I'll check out Optimax, another company I'm always getting mail from is Ultralase, so there are plenty of companies doing it.
