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Are the paparazzi scumbags or not?
eznfrank - 29/7/08 at 06:59 PM

The company I work for are going through huge changes, selling bits off and the like and working for a little satellite office we are all sat on the edge of our seats waiting for possible redundancy notices.

Fortunately I'd get a pretty good package but finding work in the same arena up North is tricky as jobs don't often come up.

Anyways, alot of the skills I have for my job would be directly relevant to being a paparazzi and the money the good ones make is ridiculous. Even the average ones make a tidy sum from what I understand.

BUT.....are they scumbags? I've always thought some (probably the best??) are a bit too obtrusive although that been said I imagine alot of "celebs" wouldn't be what they are without the paps?

I spoke to a couple of people about this idea who were quite negative, not because they thought I couldn't do it but because their response was that they're scum (or words to that effect)?

billynomates - 29/7/08 at 07:14 PM

I'd say there are a lot of paps who are quite friendly with the celebs, and a lot of them will realise they need the press coverage that the papers provide them with.
I'd say as long as you have your own moral standard that you keep to then go for it.

BP board of directors are scum bags.
How many billions of profit did they make.
Twits with an 'a' if you ask me.

Paul TigerB6 - 29/7/08 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by billynomatesBP board of directors are scum bags.
How many billions of profit did they make.
Twits with an 'a' if you ask me.

Why?? For running a company well?? So its BP's fault that they have a huge business and are making profits based on prices that are set by world markets and not BP themselves?? Very silly uneducated comment in my eyes!!

blakep82 - 29/7/08 at 07:31 PM

jasper (i think...) on here was a pap i think

scootz - 29/7/08 at 08:28 PM

Paps are scum... pure scum!

They are whipping the economy into recession by spreading fear... they erode confidence in authorities by blowing minor issues out of all proportion... they insinuate blame where there is none... oh I could go on and on and on!

Religion and the media... the 2 most aggressive cancers that blight the planet!

*just my opinion of course

eznfrank - 29/7/08 at 08:31 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Paps are scum... pure scum!

They are whipping the economy into recession by spreading fear... they erode confidence in authorities by blowing minor issues out of all proportion... they insinuate blame where there is none... oh I could go on and on and on!

Religion and the media... the 2 most aggressive cancers that blight the planet!

*just my opinion of course

Would that not more be relevant to the actual media? As opposed to the paps who in general just take photos of celebs??

scootz - 29/7/08 at 08:35 PM

Sorry - yes, I got a bit carried away there!

Anyway, paps are scum... pure scum!

Who gives a rats arse what Kerry Flipping Katona et al are up to - and who in their right mind would want to make a career out of gleaning that drivel???

joneh - 29/7/08 at 09:02 PM

Didn't a pap bone brittany spears?

Seems like a good job to me!

Just people doing their job. If you think they're scum don't look at their photos or read the stories with them.

scootz - 29/7/08 at 09:14 PM

I don't!

Fozzie - 29/7/08 at 09:14 PM

I had personal experience of paps yesterday.....well, I say paps.....he was the kind that is the photographer AND the reporter, so not purely pap......

To say I gave him a piece of my mind is putting it quite mildly..........all the guys I was with were backing me up......'You tell him girl' .... 'see him off' they said......

And I did! ....... Some of them seem to have a strange idea of what is 'news' and what is an intrusion, and what just may be putting someone at risk..

I MUST emphasise that I am talking about the journo's who double up as photographers ....


eznfrank - 29/7/08 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Sorry - yes, I got a bit carried away there!

Anyway, paps are scum... pure scum!

Who gives a rats arse what Kerry Flipping Katona et al are up to - and who in their right mind would want to make a career out of gleaning that drivel???

Yeah that's kind of what i thought, i couldn't give a crap myself but there are plenty that are and then again if someone wants to pay a couple of grand for photos of some no mark celeb then i think 'd quite gladly take it?

scootz - 29/7/08 at 09:19 PM

I just despise people who prey on human weakness... whatever that weakness may be!

Max Mosely's case was a prime example... now, whilst I think the man is an arse and whilst I think that he has devastated his own family... what the hell did it have to do with the rest of the world!

Salacious nonsense!

As you may have guessed - I've had a few run ins with reporters and papsand I was not impressed!

BenB - 29/7/08 at 09:20 PM

I have a fundamental dislike of most journalists (other than the ones I know!!!) based upon the fact that most appear to be more interested in the story and reader / viewer numbers than anything trivial like the truth. I was involved in a case where quite liableous things were said about the care a patient had had (not my handiwork thankfully but I knew enough to know that a lot of what was said was incorrect). There seemed to be no interest in checking whether what was said by a third party was true or not. Just report it as fact and if anyone gets sued it'll be the person who said it not the reporter........
Muck spreaders the lot of them

billynomates - 29/7/08 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by billynomatesBP board of directors are scum bags.
How many billions of profit did they make.
Twits with an 'a' if you ask me.

Why?? For running a company well?? So its BP's fault that they have a huge business and are making profits based on prices that are set by world markets and not BP themselves?? Very silly uneducated comment in my eyes!!

You're correct. I am uneducated in the business of the petro chemical industry.
But I know it costs me £25 more to fill my transit up than it did when I bought it 3 years ago.
Now as a fuel consumer I'm part of the 'market' which you say has affected the price of oil, but I can't recall ever asking them to put diesel up to £1.32 a litre.
The oil companies are indeed taking advantage of a large demand for fuel, but when they are making such huge profits, it's bound to upset the consumer isn't it.

[Edited on 29/7/08 by billynomates]

scootz - 29/7/08 at 09:24 PM

Originally posted by eznfrankthen again if someone wants to pay a couple of grand for photos of some no mark celeb then i think 'd quite gladly take it?

Random photo's don't make good money - (alleged) scandalous ones do... fine if it's in the publics interest to expose said scandal, but the vast majority of these photos are not. They provide idle gossip for half-wits and ruin real peoples lives (potentially).

If your moral fibre allows it, then go ahead...

scootz - 29/7/08 at 09:30 PM

Sensational stories in bold front page lettering, and subsequent apologies for getting it wrong hidden away in small print somewhere amongst the ads section... it's fundamentally wrong!

And to think that the popular media can bring down governments, influence financial markets, change public opinion. It's terrifying, yet most don't give it a seconds thought!

scootz - 29/7/08 at 09:32 PM

And breathe...

Agriv8 - 30/7/08 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Paps are scum... pure scum!

They are whipping the economy into recession by spreading fear... they erode confidence in authorities by blowing minor issues out of all proportion... they insinuate blame where there is none... oh I could go on and on and on!

Religion and the media... the 2 most aggressive cancers that blight the planet!

*just my opinion of course

Scootz you took the words right out of my mouth what worries me is that the 'sensationalising' is starting to creep into the main news ( and non red tops ) rather than reporting fact lets report gossip.

Doomed wer' al' Dooomed



v8kid - 30/7/08 at 10:23 AM

Don't panic! According to Darwin all will be well.

The pap scum will drive us into a recession to make a quick buck, the readers will be out of a job, nobody will be able to afford to buy the paper and the paps will die out.

Problem sorted.

I just can't put my finger on the flaw in this arguement

scootz - 30/7/08 at 10:49 AM

I like your thought process!

I hate 'em! The way they gather like vultures hoping for some celeb chick to fall out of her top, or for someone to get into their car and show off their knickers.

Hell... watch the scrum of them and you'll see them actively holding their camera's down low trying to get photo's up celebs skirts!

But all this is perfectly acceptable... you try it though (especially the last one) and you'll end up in court (and rightfully so)!

Paps do it... fine! Papers print it... fine! On the next page, they have a full page spread about some 'twisted perv' who was caught looking through his neighbours window... NOT FINE (again rightfully so). But you tell me - where's the difference!


Jasper - 31/7/08 at 08:49 AM

Ok, thought I'd better post here finally.

I was a pap for a couple of years about 15 years ago.

Firstly, paps are only photographers who take pictures of celebs, nothing else, so whilst I agree that there are many problems with the press it's not all down to paps, certainly not the hype about recession, or hounding 'innocence' members of the public who find themselves caught up in the media through no fault of their own. And the whole Max Moseley thing has nothing to do with paps either.

Secondly, you can't blame the paps for the endless crappy magazines about celebs, all they are doing is feeding the demand, anybody here who has bought ANY magazine (lads or ladies) with celebrity photos taken on the street has to take some responsisbilty.

Thirdly, 90% of celebs want their picture in the mags, that's how they keep in the limelight and make more ££££, but they then have to accept the good with the bad as well.

I became a pap almost by accident, I was on a serious asignment in Florida (for the WSPA) and saw Peter Stringfellow and his then 16 year old girlfriend rubbing suncream into each others bums on the beach in Miami. Took a couple of shots, came home, and sold them for £5k. I thought that was rather easy, so spent the next 2 years doing it part time and never made much more. It's incredibly hard work, unsocialable hours, and takes many years to build up the contacts.

I hated it, and after being locked up in Marlebone Police station for 8 hours after Patsy Kensit told them I assaulted her (drove away with her arms inside my car) which of course I did not, I thought that was enough for me.

So no, I don't hate paps, they are doing a horrible (and usually poorly paid) job to feed the mindless obssession with celebrity. And remember, ALL celebs choose to be a part of it.

Anyway, that's my two p's worth, and yes, before you ask, I did take pictures of Diana too ...... she DEFINITELY courted the press...

scootz - 31/7/08 at 09:00 AM

Yep - don't disagree with any of that!

But I can happily sit in my glass house and throw big stones about the place as I don't read papers (for the reasons listed) and the only mags I buy are car related.

PS - I was never a Diana fan. Manipulative and calculating are the 2 words that come to mind!