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Hamilton looses it ...
novacaine - 7/9/08 at 04:54 PM

25 second penalty

drops him to 3rd


jollygreengiant - 7/9/08 at 04:57 PM

as discussed elsewhere

Linky to thread

russbost - 7/9/08 at 04:58 PM

What utter, utter one sided unfair treatment - perhaps McLaren should paint their cars red! That is total & absolute b*llocks
Absolutely pathetic!

Minicooper - 7/9/08 at 04:59 PM

I was under the impression that as long as he didn't benefit from the corner cuting ie giving back the place on the straight which he clearly did then all was equal


[Edited on 7/9/08 by Minicooper]

britishtrident - 7/9/08 at 05:00 PM

The Autosport Atlas F1 forum is jump up and down mad.

Mosley must go before he destroys F1

When are Ferrari going to learn are doing themselves a lot of PR damage.

[Edited on 7/9/08 by britishtrident]

LBMEFM - 7/9/08 at 05:01 PM

Oh dear, never mind, sh^t happens

Mark G - 7/9/08 at 05:06 PM

What a crock. I can't believe that they took his win off him. As far as I'm concerned yes he gained an advantage from cutting the chicane but then he immediately let Kimi past again therefore forfitting his advantage.

I hate to say it but I am beginning to believe that the FIA are biased towards Ferrari.

Mix - 7/9/08 at 05:07 PM

How the f**k can we stop this ridiculous state of affairs continuing?

I've enjoyed F1 motorsport for a long time and I don't want to see it f**ked up for the sake of some short arse and his zenophobic mates ego / bank balance.

RK - 7/9/08 at 05:08 PM

It ain't over til the fat lady sings. Plenty of time in the season to go.

clairetoo - 7/9/08 at 05:08 PM

That was the best finish to a formula 1 GP I have seen for a long time - totally the wrong decision

Paul (Notts) - 7/9/08 at 05:14 PM

Is this what they are on about...

I just dont understand how they can say he did anything wrong..Apart fom race!!!

( first part of vid)


nstrug - 7/9/08 at 05:16 PM

Ferrari International Assistance to the rescue!

I thought that corner cutting only resulted in a penalty if you gained a place?


stevec - 7/9/08 at 05:24 PM

That really sucks, It really does show how Ferrari rule the roost.

eddie99 - 7/9/08 at 05:25 PM

This is stupid, i hope Ron Dennis appeals against this, I agree with most of you, if ferrari had done this, it would have been fine.

How can be possibly get an advantage by letting him go through and then getting in his slipstream to overtake again, thats racing, not cheating! Ontop of that, the Ferrari overtook again as hamilton went wide, You cant blame Hamilton for the crash at all!

FIA sucks!

RK - 7/9/08 at 05:25 PM

It looks to me, from an unbiased foreigner's perspective, that LH cut him off by taking a shortcut. Where is the bias?

ecosse - 7/9/08 at 05:26 PM

I'm no big fan of Hamilton, but I have to agree, that punishment is way out of order

Also interesting that Kovy got a drive through for bumping Webbo, yet Kimi got nothing for bumping Hamilton and forcing him across the chicane (the alternative was an accident and who would have been blamed if that had happened I wonder)


JUD - 7/9/08 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by ecosse
Also interesting that Kovy got a drive through for bumping Webbo, yet Kimi got nothing for bumping Hamilton and forcing him across the chicane (the alternative was an accident and who would have been blamed if that had happened I wonder)

Or when Kimi totalled the Force India at Monaco just after the tunnel, when they were on for their first points finish... hmmm

scootz - 7/9/08 at 05:39 PM

I must be in the minority (and posted this on the earlier thread before the investigation was launched).

I'm a Macca fan, but even to me it was obvious that Hamilton did not yield properly!

First things first - Kimi defended the corner correctly. Hamilton was never going to make that one on the outside without running wide.

When he returned to the track, he was fractionally behind Kimi and momentarily stayed fractionally behind Kimi (that's not yielding). But having cut the corner, Hamilton was able to get the power down quicker. This is backed up by the stewards investigation into Hamiltons telemetry - it showed (allegedly) that he never backed off at any point... he just kept accelerating!

Yes, I agree that the rules such as these make for a less exciting speactacle, but the rules are the rules and Hamilton stepped outside them.

He should have actively yielded to Raikkonen when he returned to the track and not used his deviation to his advantage. It was clear to me visually (and I obviously have no access to telemetry!) that Hamilton gained an enormous advantage.

If that's not enough (which is plenty for me), I understand that in these circumstances a driver is not allowed to overtake until AFTER the NEXT corner anyway.

Paul (Notts) - 7/9/08 at 05:53 PM


When he returned to the track, he was fractionally behind Kimi and momentarily stayed fractionally behind Kimi (that's not yielding). But having cut the corner, Hamilton was able to get the power down quicker. This is backed up by the stewards investigation into Hamiltons telemetry - it showed (allegedly) that he never backed off at any point... he just kept accelerating!

Video seems to show hamilton ahead of Kimi when he returns to the track and hamilton clearly lets Kimi pass before attacking again..


Surrey Dave - 7/9/08 at 06:02 PM

Yes we must cut out any overtaking ,or dare I say RACING.

I even thought Kovalainen was over punished for trying hard to overtake.

These high speed advertising hoardings must not be damaged!!!!!!

coozer - 7/9/08 at 06:14 PM

I thought he was fair.. he got out of the way instead of crashing then realising he'd cut the corner hung back and let the mad man past. Totally fair racing in my eyes...

Paul (Notts) - 7/9/08 at 06:16 PM

Just watched the video again and still it looks total fair and in the true spirit of racing. He lets Kimi get back in the lead and then Races again..


theconrodkid - 7/9/08 at 06:20 PM

remember last year when hammy was in the lead he suddenly had a gearbox problem and then he wasnt allowed to pit when a tyre started to laminate.....all to give the red cars another championship?i should think so

locoR1 - 7/9/08 at 06:32 PM

This really is a load of B*llocks what's the point in watching a race to have the results changed yet again for no apparent reason apart from helping out Ferrari

I hardly ever watch an F1 race anymore due to bul*shit like this happening. I really enjoyed what I thought was a fair race till reading this post!

Something needs to be done to stop this madness. I for one wont be wasting anymore of my time watching F1 its Moto GP only from now on!

Volvorsport - 7/9/08 at 06:45 PM

never saw it , but , its teh RACE STEWARDS who have handed the drive by penalty to him , ferrari did not instigate it .

it also cannot be appealed against !

i wanted raikkonen to win just to keep teh championship a bit more alive , but you cant help think theres somebody engineering stuff altho if lewis gained extra momentum/traction from straightlining the corner is that not an advantage ?

vinny1275 - 7/9/08 at 06:53 PM

If Hamilton had gained an advantage by using the escape road, Kimi did the same thing further on in the lap - they both went wide, Hamilton came back on quickly, Kimi used all of the run-off and made up ground on Lewis as they came across Rosberg, where Kimi overtook him.

All looked fair to me, I can't believe that they thought there was anything wrong with it, and the penalty was unbelievably harsh. On other occasions, I'm sure drivers have only had a 10 second penalty. In a normal race, 25 seconds would be the difference between 1st and 8th!

Mclaren always seem to get the worst of any decision going in F1, and Ferrari always the best. There ought to be fixed penalties for each breach of the rules, and to give a more harsh one the stewards would have to prove that the offence caused extreme danger to other drivers. Then there can't be any intentional skewing of results in favour of one driver.

bigfoot4616 - 7/9/08 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by scootz
I must be in the minority (and posted this on the earlier thread before the investigation was launched).

I'm a Macca fan, but even to me it was obvious that Hamilton did not yield properly!

First things first - Kimi defended the corner correctly. Hamilton was never going to make that one on the outside without running wide.

When he returned to the track, he was fractionally behind Kimi and momentarily stayed fractionally behind Kimi (that's not yielding). But having cut the corner, Hamilton was able to get the power down quicker. This is backed up by the stewards investigation into Hamiltons telemetry - it showed (allegedly) that he never backed off at any point... he just kept accelerating!

Yes, I agree that the rules such as these make for a less exciting speactacle, but the rules are the rules and Hamilton stepped outside them.

He should have actively yielded to Raikkonen when he returned to the track and not used his deviation to his advantage. It was clear to me visually (and I obviously have no access to telemetry!) that Hamilton gained an enormous advantage.

spot on. but as a ferrari fan i would say that

t.j. - 7/9/08 at 07:04 PM

First time in 3 years I looked and thought "it is better then 4 years back, maybe I should watch regular..."

Now I hear this and think: the dollar-show continues....

I won't watch it until this "show" will stop.

Aico - 7/9/08 at 07:04 PM

When accelerating on the straight the gap between cars increase. You can clearly see that this is not the case here. This is an advantage caused by the shortcut. I do find the penalty unfair, but there clearly was an advantage. Atleast if you think about it unbiased.

clairetoo - 7/9/08 at 07:08 PM

I think what wind's me up the most about this is that Lewis was penalized for gaining an advantage - over a driver that didn't even finish

muzchap - 7/9/08 at 07:08 PM

Ferrari fan - yeah right - you mean you support these f*%king cheating, lying scumball, pasta eating, sh&t car building f*^kwits!

No wonder Ross Braun legged it - he'd seen enough

They are dragging the sport into a FARCE.

This was no worse than in any other race - and look at how Schumacher used to bend the rules - was he EVER punished - oh no, he wasn't.

Simple, want to win a world championship - hop in a Ferrari

Stewards - independent - seriously? Don't make me laugh... Next you'll be telling us Hitler was only 'joking' - the stewards are in Ferrari's pocket too - make no mistake.


*It's pretty much a garbage rant and as rightly pointed out by Scootz wildly inaccurate - i'm leaving it here as a reminder for me not to post after boozing!*

[Edited on 7/9/08 by muzchap]

scootz - 7/9/08 at 07:17 PM

One or two flaws in your post Muzchap... I can only be arsed pointing out the one though - was Schumi EVER punished?

Er, yes... a few times - most notably being the only driver ever to have the World Title taken from him after a stewards investigation!

smart51 - 7/9/08 at 07:18 PM

Its a totally unfair ruling. Hamilton gradually caught up then tried an overtake. He was pushed wide and had to (was forced to) leave the track. This caused him to go ahead in the race and, rightly, he slowed to give the place back. After this he started to race again.

Cutting the corner did give him an unfair advantage, obviously, but rightly he gave the place back. Trying to overtake is the name of the game. So is resisting being overtaken. It so happened that he was forced off the track as a result of legitimate racing and he conscientiously gave the place back. If the rules forbid this then the rules are wrong. I want to see racing in F1 not a parade. Hamilton is the only one who attempts overtaking with any frequency and is the one putting life back into F1. Don't punish him for making the sport interesting again, you'll just ruin it. All that aside, it was still a stupid and unfair ruling.

McLaren should make an appeal, even if the FIA say the can't.

scoop - 7/9/08 at 07:27 PM

The weasel is pulling the strings again in an attempt to hype the sport, raise the raitings etc and drag it out to the last race as usual. What a criminal ruling

scootz - 7/9/08 at 07:28 PM

He was forced to leave the track because he attempted a move that was not on. Kimi defended the corner correctly, so Lewis was the master of his own destiny there! I'm raging at that decision because I'm sure he would have taken Kimi later in the race at a more suitable point. Highlights his inexperience!

The debate on here surrounds whether or not Lewis yielded. Personally, I don't think he did. He remained pretty much abreast of the Ferrari and it appears that Kimi got a slightly better drive putting him marginally ahead.

My understanding is that the telemetry supports this. The early indication from the stewards investigation is that Lewis hit the gas pedal and went for a drag race against Kimi.

Kimi hit a patch of damp mid-way down the straight and went into a wobble - Lewis braked to avoid him and ducked inside ... this is the only point where it could be argued that Lewis gave up the place.

Point is - he never gave up the place. He was forced into the move and then turned it into an overtake.

That's how it looked to me... and I'll say it again - I'm a Macca fan!

We can debate it all we like as to how we all individually saw it - only the telemetry of either car can give an entirely accurate account of what actually happened. The stewards have looked at this and made their decision.... end of!

I find the decision to punish Heikki far more bizarre - we see incidents like that week in week out without any penalties being thrown about!

roadrunner - 7/9/08 at 07:29 PM

Did anyone see the last race when Massa was released from the pit stop onto another incoming car. In the gp2 race this weekend it happened again, the driver had a drive through penalty, Massa's was investigated after the race and he was'nt punished. Ferrari can do nothing wrong, they might as well give them the title at the start of the season.

bigfoot4616 - 7/9/08 at 07:40 PM

no punishment for massa was the right decision, as that has happened several times this year with no penalties.
not seen this weekends GP2 incident but the ones from last time out where completly differant to massa's as they pulled out right in front of another car, not alongside then slotting in behind.

locoR1 - 7/9/08 at 08:01 PM

Just found this on the Westfield forum. Petition to the FIA to reconsider the 25sec penalty.

clairetoo - 7/9/08 at 08:06 PM

Originally posted by locoR1
Just found this on the Westfield forum. Petition to the FIA to reconsider the 25sec penalty.


smart51 - 7/9/08 at 08:25 PM

Originally posted by scootz
[Lewis] remained pretty much abreast of the Ferrari and it appears that Kimi got a slightly better drive putting him marginally ahead.

My understanding is that the telemetry supports this. The early indication from the stewards investigation is that Lewis hit the gas pedal and went for a drag race against Kimi.

Kimi hit a patch of damp mid-way down the straight and went into a wobble - Lewis braked to avoid him and ducked inside ... this is the only point where it could be argued that Lewis gave up the place.

Point is - he never gave up the place.

No, that's not how it happened. Lewis was ahead of Kimi after cutting the corner. Lewis held back and Kimi passed, just before the start / finish line. Lewis then started to race again. Kimi hit a damp patch and wobbled. Lewis, still behind Kimi swerved just in case. The fact that Lewis was ahead after cutting the corner but was behind when Kimi hit the damp patch was because Lewis gave up the place.

Paul (Notts) - 7/9/08 at 08:41 PM

onboard video from Hamilton.

ecosse - 7/9/08 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by scootz
He was forced to leave the track because he attempted a move that was not on.

Sorry don't see it that way at all, LH was firmly alongside Kimi going into the corner, maybe even ahead!

Originally posted by scootz. I find the decision to punish Heikki far more bizarre - we see incidents like that week in week out without any penalties being thrown about!

Completely agree with that one though, no consistency in the decision making



Edited to add:

McLaren are however appealing the ruling which means the final say will belong with the FIA's International Court of Appeal.

"We looked at all our data and also made it available to the FIA stewards," a McLaren spokesperson told Autosport.

"It showed that, having lifted, Lewis was 6km/h slower than Kimi as they crossed the start/finish line.

"Having passed the lead back to Kimi, Lewis repositioned his car, moving across and behind Kimi to the right-hand line and then outbraked him into the hairpin.

"Based on this data, we have no option other than to register our intention to appeal."

[Edited on 7/9/08 by ecosse]

muzchap - 7/9/08 at 08:53 PM

Scootz - sorry for the inaccuracies - I meant on a similar overtaking maneouver - I cannot remember the race or corner (good ole memory), but Schuey did a very similar thing and got away with it...

My earlier post was a San Miguel rage inspired one - this is sans coffee and relaxation

I'm still deeply annoyed though - I did think it was a racing incident, he did yield and in light of the 'treacherous' conditions - some slack should have been applied - AS IT WAS to Kimi when he 'murdered' the Force India car at Monaco...

I fully respect and appreciate the laws - I'm just arguing the consistency of the application - McLaren seem to be brought to task far more than ANY constructor out there and the decisions always seem to favour Ferrari - now that could be as a coincidence of the Ferrari vs McLaren battles - I don't know - but it does leave a bitter taste and is the 25 seconds the normal punishment protocol?

Actually watching that video - the only reason Hamilton got back past was because Kimi absolutely hosed the braking point for the first corner and got way out of shape... How can Lewis be punished for Kimi's poor driving???

Ferrari's are terrible in the wet - look at Silverstone and the fact that Kimi threw it into the wall...

You can see Kimi in front of Lewis after the incident, end of story, the complied with the 'rule-book' - if Kimi had kept his car under control, he would have been first into corner 1, but he didnt and Lewis should not be punished for Kimi's mistake....

Also - why wasn't a grid drop penalty considered for the next race? I'm pretty sure Ferrari would have liked that - guaranteed win on home soil... I hope both their cars blow up on lap 1...

AND finally - poor old Timo got his point stripped!

[Edited on 7/9/08 by muzchap]

russbost - 7/9/08 at 09:49 PM

Scootz - I have never ever singled anyone out b4 but you are obviously watching a different video (presumably of a different race!!!)
Since when has "abreast of " & "behind, astern" meant the same thing. If I can see a back end of a Ferrari AFTER the chicane on the straight on Lewis' on board video then so can everyone else including the stewards - can someone please explain what "yielding" is if it is not going behind the car you had an advantage of????
Also I quote

"Er, yes... a few times - most notably being the only driver ever to have the World Title taken from him after a stewards investigation!"

This was in a parallel universe when he won the champiomship instead of coming second I take it?????

hellbent345 - 7/9/08 at 09:58 PM

ref**kingdiculous what a load of horsesh*t i cant believe they gave such a large penalty for a start and for THAT! he was racing he clearly got a far better line out of the corner and could have accelerated far past but he hung back and waited for him to pass again its f**king sh*t!!

[Edited on 7/9/08 by hellbent345]

3GEComponents - 7/9/08 at 10:01 PM

These two guys would be thown out of F1 today, i mean "over taking" each other what are they thinking about?


[Edited on 7/9/08 by 3GEComponents]

hellbent345 - 7/9/08 at 10:05 PM

especially in the light of watching and rwatching and seeing that he forced hamilton onto the grass at one point afterwards as well! rediculous

muzchap - 7/9/08 at 10:06 PM

Nice post - I've had this discussion quite a bit not with people and the 'other' camps argument is thus:

He didn't exactly play fair...

Er... it's racing, the rule book says he needs to YIELD - he YIELDED what happens AFTER that is irrelevant, he complied with the law.

The stewards are ALSO saying he NEEDLESSLY took to the run-off - but surely that's what it is there for? To prevent accidents?

I'd like to stick 2 stewards in the cars and see how long they last...

I've never been so disillusioned with F1 since the USA TYRE FARCE in 2005...

GeorgeM - 7/9/08 at 10:22 PM

I'm trying to see where Lewis got a slipstream
from? He was to the left of Kimi. dropped behind,
& then to the right of him. How did that
give him a tow??? Looked like Kimi was slowing
more than Lewis for the corner.

What penalty will Kimi get for rear ending Lewis at
the next corner??-oh yes I forgot, the same as he got
in Monaco

GeorgeM - 7/9/08 at 10:23 PM

I'm trying to see where Lewis got a slipstream
from? He was to the left of Kimi. dropped behind,
& then to the right of him. How did that
give him a tow??? Looked like Kimi was slowing
more than Lewis for the corner.

What penalty will Kimi get for rear ending Lewis at
the next corner??-oh yes I forgot, the same as he got
in Monaco

bigfoot4616 - 7/9/08 at 10:23 PM

doesnt matter that he let him back past, he still gained an advantage which he then used to pass him again. without the shortcut he wouldn't of been that close.

GeorgeM - 7/9/08 at 10:27 PM

the rules say yield the place - HE DID THAT

Benzine - 7/9/08 at 10:32 PM

Originally posted by bigfoot4616
doesnt matter that he let him back past, he still gained an advantage which he then used to pass him again. without the shortcut he wouldn't of been that close.

useful link relating to your post

darrens - 7/9/08 at 10:34 PM

Originally posted by scootz
He was forced to leave the track because he attempted a move that was not on. Kimi defended the corner correctly, so Lewis was the master of his own destiny there! I'm raging at that decision because I'm sure he would have taken Kimi later in the race at a more suitable point. Highlights his inexperience!

The debate on here surrounds whether or not Lewis yielded. Personally, I don't think he did. He remained pretty much abreast of the Ferrari and it appears that Kimi got a slightly better drive putting him marginally ahead.

My understanding is that the telemetry supports this. The early indication from the stewards investigation is that Lewis hit the gas pedal and went for a drag race against Kimi.

Kimi hit a patch of damp mid-way down the straight and went into a wobble - Lewis braked to avoid him and ducked inside ... this is the only point where it could be argued that Lewis gave up the place.

Point is - he never gave up the place. He was forced into the move and then turned it into an overtake.

That's how it looked to me... and I'll say it again - I'm a Macca fan!

We can debate it all we like as to how we all individually saw it - only the telemetry of either car can give an entirely accurate account of what actually happened. The stewards have looked at this and made their decision.... end of!

I find the decision to punish Heikki far more bizarre - we see incidents like that week in week out without any penalties being thrown about!

I think your on a diff planet!!!!

Volvorsport - 7/9/08 at 10:36 PM

racing applies to people on the track , not off it , being alongside kimi in the corner off the racing line was a bigger mistake , he wasnt even on the racing line , kimi didnt have to move over at all , thats inexperience , he should have waited a bit longer to make his move , schumacher would have taken him off properly !!!.

it appears that he should have yielded earlier , waiting until the start finish line for about a 1/4 car length really isnt yielding .

steve rider was doing his best to drag the sport further in by saying ferrari had appealed it , it was completely the race stewards who have control of this .

hamilton still leads the championship by the way !!

JoelP - 7/9/08 at 10:41 PM

Originally posted by bigfoot4616
doesnt matter that he let him back past, he still gained an advantage which he then used to pass him again. without the shortcut he wouldn't of been that close.

nonsense, he was essentially past him til kimi closed the door. He had pulled himself into the slip stream approaching the chicane and then out braked kimi. Sure enough he didnt quite make the pass stick, but he was on him and indeed slipping him on the approach. Seeing as lewis apparently didnt lift but somehow still managed to loose his 'unfair advantage', i cant see how he infact had an advantage at all? Reality is that rather than coming fully off the throttle, he eased off to avoid dropping too far back, then floored it once behind kimi.

At least next time he'll know to ram the mother ****** and be done with it. Needs to take a leaf from montoya's pipe.

jollygreengiant - 7/9/08 at 10:55 PM

Everyone seems to be on the subject of did or did not hamilton ............. . As a thought and being so close to the line, it would be interesting to see how much Kimi dragged his feet in order to try and drop Hamilton in it by the line.

If you see what I mean. This would also explain why hamilton passed him so easily at the end of the straight.

skodaman - 7/9/08 at 11:38 PM

Disgusting decision. It's like they don't want people to race each other. Best race for years and they spoil it with anti-Maclaren politics. Kimi binned it all on his own anyway. Whenever there's a decision to be made it's always in favour of Ferrari. Even Kovalainnen's penalty wasn't really fair it was just a racing incident. Dumb move yes but nothing dirty about it.
Anyway my order for a new Enzo is cancelled. Must do more work on the Locost instead.

skodaman - 7/9/08 at 11:38 PM

Disgusting decision. It's like they don't want people to race each other. Best race for years and they spoil it with anti-Maclaren politics. Kimi binned it all on his own anyway. Whenever there's a decision to be made it's always in favour of Ferrari. Even Kovalainnen's penalty wasn't really fair it was just a racing incident. Dumb move yes but nothing dirty about it.
Anyway my order for a new Enzo is cancelled. Must do more work on the Locost instead.

skydivepaul - 8/9/08 at 02:11 AM

best race of the season so far and the FIA go and F**k up the decision.

perhaps as someone else mentioned on here it would be better for all involved to drive red cars with black horses painted on them.

I too am cancelling my order for my F430

bollox to them

charlierevell - 8/9/08 at 08:29 AM

Have I missed the obvious point in here that hamilton HAD to have given him the place back because he backed off and took him on the other side!
He was alongside out the corner, backed off got back into his slipstream, nailed it and shot up the inside, then Kimi drove into him!

Anyway, surely he should have been docked a place not 25s, there is no way he gained more enough that he would have lost 2 places.
Kimi then flipping crashed so its not like he could have won anyway!

Best 'race' rather than sunday drive of the year!

I'd love to see him win even with the penalty and shove 2 fingers up to the FIA!

BenB - 8/9/08 at 08:54 AM

Such a load of rawlocks.
He obviously gave back the place, was going slower than Kimi when they went over the line and drove behind Kimi.

Now if slowing down and going line astern to the car infront isn't backing off I don't know what is!!!

Ferrari are just embarassed that they got whoopassed under braking and obviously the Ferrari mafia have got pictures of the head of the course @ Spa doing something funny with a mountain goat....

Such a crock. Does anyone remember Scheuey winnings a couple of championships by driving into people and deliberately finishing their races??? Was that penalised? Oh no, I'm sorry. I forgot, he was in one of those red cars that have special rules....

BenB - 8/9/08 at 09:14 AM

And the "he slipped streamed Kimi" excuse is pathetic.

Most of the maneover he was behind and to the side of Kimi's car which means he'll be getting blatted by the positive pressure air coming off the bodywork of the Ferrari. He was behind the car in the stream as he swept across for at least 0.1 seconds!!!

scootz - 8/9/08 at 10:52 AM

Can I have the final say on this matter.... I'M RIGHT AND YOU ARE ALL WRONG.... NAH NAH NAH NAH...

PS - You can't add any more to this post because I crossed my fingers when I typed it (those are the rules... apparently!).

bigfoot4616 - 8/9/08 at 05:23 PM

Originally posted by JoelP

nonsense, he was essentially past him til kimi closed the door. He had pulled himself into the slip stream approaching the chicane and then out braked kimi. Sure enough he didnt quite make the pass stick, but he was on him and indeed slipping him on the approach.

being alongside or even slightly in front on the outside the pass was never going to work. the only way it would of done was if he was in front far enough to turn in across the front of kimi.

if he had stayed on the track, with the entry line he had into the corner his exit speed would of been slow so he would of dropped back.

i dont understand why he was so impatient to get past anyway as he was so much quicker at that point he would of soon been past cleanly

russbost - 8/9/08 at 09:42 PM

"i dont understand why he was so impatient to get past anyway as he was so much quicker at that point he would of soon been past cleanly"

Ummmmmmmm ............ could it be because he's a race driver?????

russbost - 8/9/08 at 10:05 PM

Just found this

excellent blow by blow analysis of the whole thing

Volvorsport - 8/9/08 at 10:43 PM

one of massa's comments

Incidents like this have often been discussed in the official driver briefings when it has been made absolutely clear that anyone cutting a chicane has to fully restore the position and also any other eventual advantage gained.

JoelP - 9/9/08 at 07:36 AM

Originally posted by bigfoot4616
Originally posted by JoelP

nonsense, he was essentially past him til kimi closed the door. He had pulled himself into the slip stream approaching the chicane and then out braked kimi. Sure enough he didnt quite make the pass stick, but he was on him and indeed slipping him on the approach.

being alongside or even slightly in front on the outside the pass was never going to work. the only way it would of done was if he was in front far enough to turn in across the front of kimi.

if he had stayed on the track, with the entry line he had into the corner his exit speed would of been slow so he would of dropped back.

i dont understand why he was so impatient to get past anyway as he was so much quicker at that point he would of soon been past cleanly

had hamilton not left the track, the switchback as the corner went left wouldve but hamilton nicely in the lead.

omega 24 v6 - 9/9/08 at 03:59 PM

We were at SPA me and SWMBO and I can tell you it was an outstanding experience. A great race as well not withstanding the eventual stewards intervention.
The facts are

Ferrari's are shite in the wet
Hamilton caught AND ALMOST passed coming into the bus stop (not 25 seconds behind that's for sure and in fact 25 seconds would have put Kimi at au rouge before Hamilton was out of the pit lane)

He did overtake off the track

he did give the place back WITHOUT blocking any overtaking manouvre

Kimi did block AND brake way way to early at the end of the pit straight.

Kimi did then nudge Hamilton (no penalty??)

Kimi crashed out and was never going to finish (saw a very unhappy man walk back to the pits)

Hamilton finished first.

It didn't suit someone or more than someone in the FIA for a Mclaren or Hamilton to win.

The Ferrari fans in our stand although not happy were gracious in defeat and shook hands with many McLaren fans saying it was a great race the best in a long time and congratulating them on a race well won.

I read a good write up in the daily mail while travelling back from Spa about how Mclaren and Hamilton have been penalized in 5 of thirteen races this year alone. No one seems to ba able to make any sense of this latest mess.

Now how can any of you blame The FIA for changing the result. They are a great community of men of high standing and great personnal integrity who have never been involved in any shady dealings or liasons in the past

Alan B - 9/9/08 at 04:16 PM

Interesting development....part of McLaren's appeal...

"Martin Whitmarsh added: "From the pit wall, we then asked Race Control to confirm that they were comfortable that Lewis had allowed Kimi to repass, and they confirmed twice that they believed that the position had been given back in a manner that was 'okay'.

"If Race Control had instead expressed any concern regarding Lewis’s actions at that time, we would have instructed Lewis to allow Kimi to repass for a second time."

MikeCapon - 12/9/08 at 07:07 AM

Sorry if this has already been posted but here's a Ferrari cutting a chicane to pass a McLaren. With NO penalty

omega 24 v6 - 12/9/08 at 07:19 AM


Sorry if this has already been posted but here's a Ferrari cutting a chicane to pass a McLaren. With NO penalty

And he doesn't even give the place back.

jollygreengiant - 12/9/08 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6

Sorry if this has already been posted but here's a Ferrari cutting a chicane to pass a McLaren. With NO penalty

And he doesn't even give the place back.

Hmm sure as heck looks like a legal precedent was set there.

Benzine - 12/9/08 at 03:08 PM

Originally posted by MikeCapon
Sorry if this has already been posted but here's a Ferrari cutting a chicane to pass a McLaren. With NO penalty

What's wrong with that? The car that cuts the corner is red, I thought that was okay??

novacaine - 16/9/08 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by russbost
Just found this

excellent blow by blow analysis of the whole thing

The Formula 1 management have removed the video, perhaps something they don't like on it?

omega 24 v6 - 16/9/08 at 10:11 PM

So now if I understand correct the facts are

1 Hamilton has been penalised not because he did not give the place back but because he was closer to kimi than he would of been if he'd followed him round the chicane.
2 So this means that he's been penalised because he gained distance on the track through cutting the corner i.e. he gained track distance and this is what the penalty is for??
3 how many teams in Monza have been penalised for cutting the chicanes regardless of the circumstances ?
4 Everyone that cuts a chicane regardless of whether they are racing/following another car inevitably gains track distance even if it's only a one off incident (like Hamiltons) Multiple incidents have IIRC been known to attract the stewards attention.
5 Should retrospective penalty drive throughs now be given to all who cut chicanes???