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Rust inside water cavity of engine ?
steve m - 4/10/10 at 09:12 PM

having just put the engine back in the 7 after a while!!

the engine inards (waterways) seem quite flaky/rusty, what should i use to clear it before i put anti freeze in

Is there a rust descaler type of liquid i can use


l0rd - 4/10/10 at 09:48 PM

i remember someone using vinegar to fill the engine, warmed it up and then flushed several times the engine with water before using antifreeze.

I am sure someone will back me up.

snapper - 5/10/10 at 05:42 AM

You can just flush it through with a hose, using a small wire brush to get at what you can reach.

AndyGT - 5/10/10 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by snapper
You can just flush it through with a hose, using a small wire brush to get at what you can reach.

but don't forget to take off the thermostat 1st!!

norm007 - 7/10/10 at 07:42 AM

Is there a rust descaler type of liquid i can use



Citric acid is the Daddy for cleaning rusty metal. I cleaned a bike petrol tank that came off the Titanic with Citric acid, and couldn`t believe how shiney and new it came out.

Bought the acid off fleabay for a few pence and filled tank with water, added acid, left a couple o days then flushed. "Awesome"!!! was the only word i could use at the time.

Do you know anybody that works in food production factory who can get it???