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Engine diff Mountings
Minicooper@work - 6/12/07 at 11:01 AM

Hello all,
I have mounted my R1 diff and chain diff in a seperate cradle which I want to secure with rubber/deflex mounting to the frame, what is the best medium to reduce the noise and vibration as much as possible


Wadders - 6/12/07 at 02:48 PM

Not chain drive, but my sierra diff was originally supplied with rubber mounts, after it tried to escape from the car i reworked the mounting system and solid mounted it to the chassis. expected it to be more noisy and harsh, in fact it made no difference whatsoever. If you do decide to rubber mount it i would think eurethane suspension bushes would work ok.


Originally posted by Minicooper@work
Hello all,
I have mounted my R1 diff and chain diff in a seperate cradle which I want to secure with rubber/deflex mounting to the frame, what is the best medium to reduce the noise and vibration as much as possible
