posted on 3/6/16 at 09:26 PM |
Ebay Locost - Opinions please
HI all,
still on the look out...
any views on this? thanks
2009 LOCOST Blue
posted on 3/6/16 at 09:59 PM |
Looks a bit rough to me, what exactly are you looking for ? Locost, MK ? budget?
posted on 3/6/16 at 10:01 PM |
Could be fine. Depends on the welding!
posted on 4/6/16 at 06:38 AM |
Guess it's been through SVA/IVA so should be fine. It's ok priced, needs a little tlc but looks like a good starter car
Locost Map on Google Maps
Z20LET Astra Turbo, into a Haynes
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posted on 4/6/16 at 06:44 AM |
Pics tell lies
Only way to know what it's like is to view it in the flesh.
Certainly cheap for a complete ready to go car if it's been put together well
posted on 4/6/16 at 06:58 AM |
Doesn't look bad at all, but as already said you need to take a look at it in the flesh.
Reasonably priced but probably some scope for some money off for the body repairs. I'd go in at £3.5K
posted on 4/6/16 at 09:16 AM |
I did see it advertised when I was looking, although I think it was four and a half then, about 6 weeks back.
It's relatively close to me, so I was going to look at it, but then, I'm pretty sure it was classed in the ebay blurb as a Robin Hood, not
that that's a bad thing necessarily, but something just didn't seem right.
He's added quite a bit to the description now and there are some strange bits in there, he says he'll take a part ex in the first bit,
and then says he won't in the second bit ? Plus he's very particular about it being registered as a Locost.
Also, I'm never really sure about someone who uses their girlfriends ebay to list something, just sounds dodgy.
Might be OK, but I've been caught out a couple of times, so I'm more wary now.............
Having said all that, I bought what I thought was a good car, and now I'm finding all sorts of little niggles
posted on 4/6/16 at 02:59 PM |
I know he says off side rear arch needs repairing so it could be because of that but the off side rear wheel looks to be a funny angle. Seems strange
all the arches need repairs. Looks a nice car, although I don't like the roll bar.
posted on 5/6/16 at 02:17 PM |
I noticed that! I could have sworn it was previously advertised as a Robin Hood..
In reply to previous question - im not after a make in particular, max budget of £4500ish.
Hoping to get a nice Tiger or Locost for that money. Something that will be fun n track days.
Based in Suffolk.
And thanks for the input, i think i will pass on this one. Seems a bit off.
posted on 5/6/16 at 05:42 PM |
It might just be the angle of the photos or maybe the car is sitting on a slope, but there seems to be quite a difference between the top of the rear
wheels and the wheel arches when comparing near side to off side.
I guess that if it was a genuine problem though it would be a bit odd not to point it out in the add, as any inspection in person would spot it and
walk away.