posted on 19/9/05 at 09:44 PM |
Rather Dodgy...........
SVA Dodging?????
[Edited on 19/9/05 by rayward]
posted on 19/9/05 at 09:49 PM |
Just a bit! Needs striking out but all seems above board!
posted on 20/9/05 at 06:23 AM |
My 'F27' is what you might call fully refurbished and updated. Cannot see anything illegal about it. Any concerns would lie with the
builder's understanding of safety critical aspects of the car. A long while back I sold a rolling chassis to a young lad who promptly cut some
of the tunnel away to put wider seats in with no concern for, or understanding of, what he had done. Thankfully the car never saw the light of day at
his hands.