posted on 6/9/09 at 10:22 PM |
Supercharger has been sold separately, so now just the engine and other bits and bobs... now on eBay.
Great value for money folks!
posted on 6/9/09 at 10:23 PM |
PS - Happy to deal off 'ebay' to fellow Locoster!
Steve Hignett
posted on 7/9/09 at 12:15 AM |
Hi Scott,
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but the ebay advert didn't inspire me with a lot of confidence when I read it.
I'm only saying this because I know you a re a genuine guy, with my minor dealings with you in the past and you're presence on here, and I
feel the same regarding something that you are selling (that it too will prob be pretty genuine), but that advert read as if there were/are lots of
maybe's and things that may not be true.
I posted this on here rather than U2Uing you in case what I thought/siad is way off the mark, then someone can correct me, but I'd hate for you
to lose out on a sale because of the way something is worded...
posted on 7/9/09 at 02:31 AM |
I think I know what you mean Steve... is it the provenance side of things and lack of exact info as to what's inside the lump?
The main problem is that I don't want to guess and then let someone down... !
I bought the whole package for £3250 not so long ago. The vendor is well known in racing circles and the power figures quoted are commensurate with
his series / performance.
Because the engine was done a few years ago, TTS don't have any spec sheets. Richard at TTS did confirm to me that the vendor was someone who
was well known to them and that they had built a couple of top-notch engines for him - capable of the figures quoted with the right induction.
I know that's all still rather 'woolly', but I proceeded in good faith on the basis of the information given to me.
I suspect the only way to PROVE what's inside it is to have it opened up and inspected, but the cost of that would be prohibitive for an engine
offered up at £1699!
I met that price based on the fact that a good 'standard' Bird engine should be worth £750 (ish), and then there's the dry sump pan,
pump, pulley cover, dyna-coils, Power Commander III, methanol injection system, plenum, etc. Got to be the same again, so £1500 (assuming no fancy
tuning works).
But as I said, I was happy with the info I got from TTS and the vendor. I'm selling it for my gain and I don't want TTS to be fielding
calls from all and sundry, left right and centre when there's nothing more they can add. I don't think I'd be their best friend and
don't want to wee them off as they are a company I may still want to do business with in the future.
Certainly, when you consider the machined pieces for the engine like the SC connector plate (not included) then you can understand that it's
unlikely somones going to pay TTS a fortune for a SC connector system that's been CNC'd from billet and not spend on the internals.
I dunno... it's a difficult one to judge and I'd rather downplay and sell on the balance of hearsay and probability, rather than state
that "there would defininitely be uprated rods, pistons, valve stems", etc as stated to me by TTS.
Definitely given me somthing to think about though... any suggestions as to how better pitch it (all opinions welcome!).
Will let you know in this thread when (if) I change the wording / content so that what's current is the original text I started with.
I'm just ultra-cautious with engines as I was once caught out by a kit-car supplier who sold me a Chevy V8 to go with the Spyder kit on the
basis that he KNEW it was a £4k engine. I know bugger all about Chevy engines so took the word of the man. 'Well respected kit car company owner
and all that'. Anyway engine arrived and on closer inspection just didn't look right. Turned out it was infamous in Ultima circles as
having come from a Can-am that was crashed and occupants killed. Had it profesonally examined and turned out it was worth scrap-value only... wrecked!
And did Mr Kit Car Co owner offer to help out with my loss? Did he heck! Tough luck... sold as seen, etc.
Learned a harsh lesson... state only what you know or have been told and give no promises! That way no-one can feel 'cheated' if
something goes wrong!
Anyhoo... advice on advert writing welcome (God, you'd think I'd be an expert by now ).
Staple balls
posted on 7/9/09 at 02:49 AM |
In addition to what steve said, you have a bit of a wall of text going on in the ebay ad - makes it quite difficult to read and gives the impression
you don't really care.
imp paul
posted on 7/9/09 at 08:34 AM |
morning people just would like to say I have had bits and bobs from Scott. and all i can say is all the stuff has been mint and he is a good man.
so if I was looking for a good Honda type engine and Scott was selling i know it would be good 1 some body's going to have a fast bird engine
and its a fair price good luck with selling all the best Paul
posted on 7/9/09 at 09:26 AM |
Very kind of you to say Paul... thanks!
As for the eBay text... don't know why it does this, but I always type in paragraphs, etc. when listing things on eBay, but no matter what I do,
it always gets re-formatted into one paragraph of text once I hit the 'List Item' button.
I've often wondered why, but never asked the question!?
posted on 7/9/09 at 09:58 AM |
Also got to add that, contrary to what anyone may think, I absolutely HATE selling things for fear of something... anything... going
As I said, I've been stung many times as a buyer and been given the 'tough' treatment... whereas, I've always offered to help
if something turns out 'wrong'. If it's blatantly been my (accidental) misrepresentation, then I'd always refund and take the
item back. If, however, it's one of those 'things'... I've sold an engine I've never run and it blows up the first time
someone starts it, then I will still offer to help in someway.
Makes it sound like lots of things go wrong, but it's only ever happened with a couple of the (many) things I've sold.
One was an LSD diff that was checked and was in excellent condition when sent out. The buyer came back to me an age later to say it was knackered and
suspected it had been dropped in transit as the packaging was heavily damaged in the area where a flange would have been sitting. He'd left it
so late to tell me this, that the courier's terms of insurance conditions were 'time-barred' and there was bugger all I could do for
him (except take his abuse!). The problem he had described was certainly NOT present when I checked it prior to sending.
The other was a Mazda RX8 engine sale a couple of years ago that Malc from Yorkshire Engines brokered for me with one of his foreign customers. It
came with loads of fancy 'stand alone' kit - the engine was probably the cheapest component in the package! Anyway, turns out the engine
exploded on start-up... Malc gives me a call and I'm mortified! I'd just literally been stung by the V8 incident the week before, but
nevertheless told Malc to get the guy to give me a bell direct and we would 'sort something out'. Never heard from him, so I suspect that
either Malc took the 'hit', or the guy retrospectively realized that he'd plumbed it backwards before start-up and subsequent
explosion and didn't want to pursue the matter!
PS - I only tell that story as a nod to Malc. I've bought from Yorkshire Engines before and I honestly don't think there's a fairer
trader in the engine scene! If he had taken a 'hit' on this deal, then he would have kept it to himself - he's that kind of guy!
PPS - Malc, if you're reading this and you did take a 'hit', then my offer of 'sorting something out' was unconditional
and still stands!
posted on 7/9/09 at 08:19 PM |
I am still interested, just can't decide!!