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Strange noise from??? when I pull off, Help!
Rob WM - 3/8/11 at 07:42 PM

Evening All,

Could I have some advice please? I am running an MK Indy R with a R1 under the hood. I have not upgraded the clutch as Malc at Yorkshire Engines advised me not too. I have done nearly 1700 miles and when I start off sometimes there is a noise and vibration. It seems to be the prop or something wobbling. Could be the clutch going but as I have no idea what that sounds or feels like I don't know.

I have checked the prop is tight against the diff as last time a similar noise started to appear it was the prop flange coming loose against the diff. The clutch is not slipping at all even under full acceleration.

Also whilst on the noise subject, when I change gear there is a loud clunk. There always has been a loud clunk but it seems to be getting louder, is this the same issue or another problem?

Thanks for you help in advance.


minitici - 3/8/11 at 07:52 PM

Check that your propshaft adaptor to gearbox centre nut is still tight.
You don't want that coming loose!
(a few have with disastrous results)

Just in case of propshaft failure - have you got prop-catchers fitted?

Macbeast - 3/8/11 at 07:53 PM

Well, this is not the problem I thought it was going to be

james h - 3/8/11 at 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
Well, this is not the problem I thought it was going to be

wylliezx9r - 3/8/11 at 09:16 PM

"Strange noise when I pull off" well well well I thought this forum was about car related problems not those of the rocket polishing variety LOL!

stevegough - 3/8/11 at 09:34 PM

Strange noises on pulling off is pretty bad, but even worse is the 'clunk' whilst changing your gear!

At least your car's ok!

Rob WM - 4/8/11 at 07:32 AM

Yes guess I should have phrased that differently, especially at that time of night!!

Will check the central nut (On the car I am not gifted with three!)