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fireblade carbs car not starting
mkblade - 24/8/07 at 10:02 PM

ive stripped my carbs down again as its benn sitting ages and having problems starting (ie it wont start).before i put the cars back together.

should i be replacinging anything like seals for float bowls ect.
should i block of the middle air way tube if so what should i use.

lastly the mixture screws should the be turned out approx 2.5 turns ??
not sure about setting the other air screws though.
any help advice would be great
many thanks

Avoneer - 24/8/07 at 10:11 PM

Middle tube - greased cocktail stick.

Only thing I can think of is remove the float bowls and give the floats a jiggle in case the needles have seized - happened on mine and is quite common for blade carbs left standing - apparantly.


zxrlocost - 24/8/07 at 11:35 PM

have you bypassed all the cut off switches

worX - 25/8/07 at 12:11 AM

Simon, give me a call sometime tomorrow, have U2U'd you my number!


esn163 - 25/8/07 at 06:51 AM

Hi, we were having problems with our carbs the other week after we tried to start it after we got back from holiday.

The problem we were having was caused by overfueling, can you hear the fuel pump shutting off almost completely or does it keep pumping?

If this is the same problem, the first time we had it, it was possible to cure it by just draining the carbs using the little screws horizontally in the bottom of the float bowels. This seemed to flush out some of the muck and allow the pump so shut off correctly.



[Edited on 25/8/07 by esn163]

ReMan - 25/8/07 at 09:06 AM

Presumably everything used to work?
Have you tried cleaning the plugs and spraying some easystart?
Is it firing at all? I'dd think it very strange for all four carbs to fail beyond it starting, just because it's sat for a while?

Dangle_kt - 25/8/07 at 09:35 AM

how long is a while?

I'd check your float bowls and clean the jets with compressed air if you can, but wouldn't think you'd need to change anything more on all four of them at the same time - unless they have all broken at exactly the same time?

mkblade - 25/8/07 at 10:32 AM

its been about 9 months since i started it ,it did try to start then nothing just spinning over .
had it off the road as ive been redoing the interior changing dash clocks and rewiring them ect.

im sure its a case off cleaning the carbs maybe a new set of plugs,really wanted to check if i should be replacing anything in the carbs that i havnt thought about nothing really look s wrong,although i used the ends of rivets to poke down the middle air tube,and one of them i think had fallen out sitting in the bottom of carb bowl.

should they be a tight fit ? and im using the origanal air box .

i did start ok end of last summer,