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Fiat gearbox remote
paul Irvine - 6/12/11 at 07:37 PM

I'm after a remote extension for an 1800 132 fiat twincam

T66 - 6/12/11 at 07:52 PM

Paul - Hens teeth ! However make sure you ask on the UK Lada forum, there are a few guys on there used the remote boxes in their Ladas.

Plus a lot of parts hoarders, you never know.

Mark Allanson - 6/12/11 at 08:38 PM

I had a garage clearout 3 weeks ago....... you don#t want to know

pewe - 6/12/11 at 08:50 PM

As T66 said rarer than rocking horse sh*t.
If you search Abarth remote and /or put up a post on Guy Croft's website you may just find one as there are quite a few of our East European Lada and Greek friends frequent his site
Cheers, Pewe10.