I came across BRONZclay while trawling t'interweb.
It seems to be a clay which can be moulded and shaped like any other, then fired in a kiln where the binder vapourises and you're left with a
bronze item.
I wondered if it might be useful for making some components.
It might be possible to mould it around a foam core to make hollow items.
EDIT - just to say you can get silver and gold "clays" to make jewelry.
Anyone gonna carve a solid gold 7 ?
[Edited on 23/11/08 by trikerneil]
Maybe the cost of the kiln maybe a limiting factor!
It's not real bronze, that comes in ingot form and is melted in a furnace at 1200deg C.
They are charging nearly £115/kilo. The real stuff is £4/kilo, so you would probably be better off sculpting in clay and paying a foundry to mould,
invest and cast in the genuine article!
It is sintered but is 90% the density of bronze so is not bad.