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Oven Curing Aerosol Paint?
aerosam - 17/4/09 at 03:50 PM

My wishbones are due to be delivered next week, and I'm expecting, as with everything else I have ordered from 3ge components, they may have some surface rust on them - from storage I assume.

I didn't want to fork out for powdercoating so I'm going to paint them. I have access to some industrial blasting machines and an electric oven so the plan is to lightly grit/sand blast the entire surface then paint with aerosol and cure in the oven.

The question is, how hot, how long? Is it necessary (or wise) to cure the primer before applying colour?



phil m - 17/4/09 at 04:59 PM

What sort of cost do you think powder coating would be?

Worth getting a quote. I've used a guy in Skewen, near Neath, and found the price ok.

Even burnt the paint off some front wishbones I had done


aerosam - 17/4/09 at 07:01 PM

3ge charge £20 +vat per set, but I'm on a strictly limited budget and as I already have plenty paint, it's £20 or so that I have saved.