Bit of a gloat, but....on the back of the new business I have now bought a 40CFM Hydrovane air compressor........Woo Hoo!!!
It is awesome, stuff that had my 3 hp 14 cfm one working non-stop barely cuts this one in!!
Best bit is running my shotblasting pot. It is now the machine it should have been all along. We've put up a steel shed in the unit and sealed it
up, got some chilled steel grit and its now up and running cleaning up suspension bits and axles etc!!
What wrong with a bowl of soda and a battery charger like us poor people
Jealous of Hinckley
nice... is your shed too small to shotblast a trailer?
just acquired a gayson shot blasting cabinet
needs a new foot pedal and a piece of glass to protect the light bulbs....
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Originally posted by NS Dev
Bit of a gloat, but....on the back of the new business I have now bought a 40CFM Hydrovane air compressor........Woo Hoo!!!
It is awesome, stuff that had my 3 hp 14 cfm one working non-stop barely cuts this one in!!
Best bit is running my shotblasting pot. It is now the machine it should have been all along. We've put up a steel shed in the unit and sealed it up, got some chilled steel grit and its now up and running cleaning up suspension bits and axles etc!!
do you have a compressor big enough to run it?
Can recommend hydrovanes(with sensible hours on them)! lovely and quiet.
You can get a 40cfm one like mine for circa £600 used with reasonable hours (under 15,000 hours) which will happily run that cabinet with a 4mm or
even 5mm nozzle. I only use a 3mm as it gives good detail control, but I am making a second pot blaster with more capacity (current one is one bag,
next is two bag) and 3/4" blast hose to take a 5mm nozzle for big jobs.
PS no a trailer won't go in the shed I'm afraid, but a company near to me specialise in blasting wagon trailers and are very reasonable,
Vero's at cadeby.
dont forget to change the oil frequently and all the filters as they become very expensive very very quickly when they go wrong.
if you need filters/oil and bits for it send me a pm and i will give you the number of the bloke i buy mine off. hes cheeper than anyone i have found
so far.
thanks NS Dev - tried emailing them just but no avail so will call them tomorrow
Yeah, great contraptions - we got one at work just over a year ago and we have three of us using air tools and it never struggles