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Evening welding classes around Sheffield/Rotherham
greggors84 - 27/8/09 at 06:33 PM

A couple of lads from work want to do an evening welding course to learn the basics and a bit more. They have asked around the local colleges but none seem to do evening classes.

Has anyone been on one in the area or know of one.

I did mention Martin Keenans welding tuition but I think they wanted to practice the basics before forking out for 1 to 1 lessons.


Dangle_kt - 27/8/09 at 07:09 PM

Courses at

Speciality Welds Ltd
View 1 Welding course

In Sheffield

cant get the link up - but go to HOT COURSES website, and search for welding in sheffield - it is a SHORT COURSE 1-5 days

[Edited on 27/8/09 by Dangle_kt]

Peteff - 27/8/09 at 07:25 PM

There might be something available at Chesterfield College if they are willing to travel a bit further. Check it out.