As the Fury I am currently V6'ing now needs a new battery tray in order to get on with the wiring , I thought I would share my method of one-off
molding , without the time consuming plug/mold/molding process .
I first cut and fold the shape in 1mm ally sheet , and simply duct tape it together .
folded ally
This is then covered in gel coat - no need to wax/polish as the ally will easily pull away from naked ally .
Gelcoat on
More to follow as soon as this sets
looking good. i like your build guides
Couple of questions,
How much % of pigment do you use?
Where do you get the pigment from as i need some more black?
[Edited on 3/9/09 by tomgregory2000]
isn't it just the same but using ali as the mold?
Pigment wise I just scoop some on a kitchen knife (my favorite mixing tool) , mix it in - and if it isnt dark enough add a little more
This is the last of my black pigment , so I now need some more - I usually scroung it from my local (ish) canoe manufacture - or `borrow` a little
from work
Originally posted by blakep82
isn't it just the same but using ali as the mold?
And here it is a couple of hours later with the CSM on , and a bit of coremat on the bottom (to help keep the heat out , there will be an exhaust
running under it)
Mat added.....
As soon as it is set the ally can be peeled out - sadly that will have to wait till tomorrow night , but could be done in a couple of hours .
Well..........I just checked , and it's set already , so a quick trim round the edge and here it is - ready to fit in the car (after a bit more
of a trim...) in three hours
Finished !
Thats why I call it instant fibre glass !
Ooooh, you could be just the person i need to talk to Clare.
Bought one of those 40 quid aero screens of the bay of tat. Sent the first back as there where two small cracks in the gel coat. Got the replacement
and there are no cracks but a 2mm by 10mm void under the black gel coat on the top edge. Really can't be bothered sending this one back as its
costing me each time.
What should i fill the void with? will normal super glue to ok? Should I use something special?
good work
never knew it wouldn't stick to ali. good to remember first for when i don't want it to, and also for when i do want it to but i don't
know why it won't
[Edited on 3/9/09 by blakep82]
I think it will stick to ally, if the ally has been thoroughly cleaned, degreased and sanded with 250 grit sandpaper. Otherwise, it won't. This
has been my experience.
Nice job there Clare! I am in awe of these successful fibreglassers.
Originally posted by MikeR
Ooooh, you could be just the person i need to talk to Clare.
Bought one of those 40 quid aero screens of the bay of tat. Sent the first back as there where two small cracks in the gel coat. Got the replacement and there are no cracks but a 2mm by 10mm void under the black gel coat on the top edge. Really can't be bothered sending this one back as its costing me each time.
What should i fill the void with? will normal super glue to ok? Should I use something special?
ok so the guy is building an RC plain but I have found these video have shown me allot about fiberglass
a question I have is does peal ply the guy use come off after you have finished?
Looking good Claire, I'm after trying a bit of fibreglassing myself. Where do you get the bits from? Anyone online? What type of matting, etc?
ive seen claire's magical hands in action and i have to say that she is very gifted when given a pot of gel coat and a role of fibreglass or
Carbon Fibre!
but where do i get a dab of the stuff?
Need 5 or 10ml for the aero screen and probably 100ml for touching up the GRP wings I've got.
the 5ml in black and the rest in British racing green?
Originally posted by clairetoo
That would be dead easy to fill with a splash of black gel coat - once sanded and polished it wouldnt show at all .
Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by clairetoo
That would be dead easy to fill with a splash of black gel coat - once sanded and polished it wouldnt show at all .
What's the deal with gel coat not fully setting if exposed to air? I've read about it staying 'sticky' for ages.
I've just sent away for the John Dickens book in Complete Kit Car (and paid a fortune too). Might be worth a read for those of us who struggle with this sort of thing.