Anyone know the best file type to get cnc machining done? I have had .igs files, just wondering if solidworks is a better format for cnc work?
i do cnc programming at work at ours accept various formats they all work really
Thanks, for your fast reply. I`m looking to get the file programed by a third party, it always helps to know what you want, less likelyhood of been
taken for a ride!.
i'd ask the machinist what they would prefer personally then get it drawn up in the correct format.
From the first cut website:
We can accept native SolidWorks (.sldprt) or ProE (.prt) files as well as solid 3D CAD models from other CAD systems output in IGES (.igs), STEP
(.stp), ACIS (.sat) or Parasolid (.x_t or .x_b) format. We can also accept .stl files.
So as you say i guess they are much of a muchness.
Check with whomever you get to do your machining. They will have a preferred format.
For example, of the two machine shops I frequently use, one asks for data in IGS format, the other takes the SolidWorks files direct.
It all depends on what CAD/CAM system they use, and the chaps doing the work...
most will accept dxf or dwg...we use mostly autocad and have solid works aswell.....any good cnc shop will be able to open most file formats these days....