I quite fancy a plasma cutter to help craft the spring perches on my monster 4x4
Anyone got one locally ot DH5 I can borrow?
And, any advice? Is it like buying a TIG, the more expensive the better? Just want it for cutting shapes up to about 6mm thick??
I think you should buy one too!
Hmm, is there a method behind your suggestion Sir??
Yep, I can see you licking your lips at the thought
use up that oxy of yours.
Its gone mate, well, its still here but belongs to someone else now. Swapped them for a bottle of Argon but still waiting for him to come pick the oxy set up!
i have a cutter in leeds, and pass your way occationally. Do you have a compressor and a suitable power outlet? Think 16A is ideal, so maybe a fuseless plug would do.
Ooo, I have a 16amp commando for the MIG and a compressor.. can get a plug no problem...
How often do you pass?
cant seem to stop visiting the north east at the min, too many awquard customers! Sometime this weekend maybe, and probably next week too. u2u a number and i'll give you a call.