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Getting a Argon bottle filled. Where?
Jason Fletcher - 23/7/10 at 09:51 AM

Morning gents

I have a BOC Argon bottle that needs filling and obviously don't want to trouble BOC with this because I will last me a couple of years and will cost a fortune with the rental. Does anyone know somewhere in the Coventry or Banbury areas who can offer me a Locost option of getting it filled?

thanks in advance


[Edited on 23/7/10 by Jason Fletcher]

flibble - 23/7/10 at 10:35 AM

Find a friendly locoster in your area who has a boc account and swap with them + cash to refill their new empty bottle?

minitici - 23/7/10 at 12:12 PM

BOC bottles are now tagged/barcoded...
may cause problems if you 'swap' bottles with an account holder.

big_wasa - 23/7/10 at 12:27 PM

^^ As above ^^

Peteff - 23/7/10 at 12:31 PM

Rent one monthly, refill it and cancel. I've not seen them check a barcode at our local agent yet I think that is just to tell them the age and status of the test at the refill point.

big_wasa - 23/7/10 at 02:54 PM

I was told it was to stop people doing just that.

Jason Fletcher - 23/7/10 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Rent one monthly, refill it and cancel. I've not seen them check a barcode at our local agent yet I think that is just to tell them the age and status of the test at the refill point.

The problem is that I have a Argonshield bottle and need Argon so I cant return the one I have to BOC in place of the new Argon one.

Spoke to air products today and they want 23p per day rental plus 96 quid for the gas

T66 - 31/7/10 at 01:13 AM

Ive given up with purchasing argoshield, due to cost and the unhelpful suppliers wanting monthly payments, deposits for bottles, contracts and the colour of my wifes knickers...

It cost 50p a bottle, and like everything else in the UK the market gets taped off to increase profits....

My welds using Co2 @ £10 for a small bottle via my friendly publican suit me fine.


Jason Fletcher - 1/9/10 at 02:18 PM

Thought I'd update you on what I have found. It seems HSS hire shops have BOC cylinders and will supply them without contract. Mines coming tomorrow at a cost of about £60 delivered.

coyoteboy - 9/9/10 at 01:14 PM

T66 - are you talking for TIG or MIG? I wanted to get a TIG but the cost of argon for a fairly limited user is just too vast, but I was under the impression that CO2 was not really usable in TIG. I use CO2 for mig, but using a publicans bottle refilled at the local industrial gas supplier for £13.