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Welder repair?
Kartdad - 8/10/10 at 01:23 PM

I have finally broken my Cosmos 150 mig welder does anyone know where I can get it fixed? I have now ground to a halt

Many thanks

jollygreengiant - 8/10/10 at 01:34 PM

Location might help.

Peteff - 8/10/10 at 03:13 PM

Originally posted by jollygreengiant
Location might help.

It's in the shed Cosmo is SIP welder painted yellow isn't it?

Kartdad - 8/10/10 at 05:00 PM

You are right it is a SIP and that really helped as SIP were able to put me in touch with a local (Basingstoke) dealer who has agreed to take a look at repairing it and yes it is in the shed

Many thanks

MakeEverything - 8/10/10 at 06:15 PM

What are the symptoms? It might just be the trigger.

Mark G - 8/10/10 at 09:57 PM

The trigger on my cosmos 130 fails all the time. I've also had to modify the wire feed to stop it slipping.

What's wrong with yours?