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silver line sanding belts any good?
mrwibble - 14/6/11 at 03:18 PM

have bosch stopped making sanding belts for 13 x 457 b&d power file. B&Q have stopped stocking them, all they have is some brand i've never heard of, and nothing for metal...

the bosch ones lasted really well, but some cheap ones i bought off fleabay didn't last 2 secs, literally, before they snapped.

silver line seems to be readily available, are they any good?

deltron63 - 14/6/11 at 06:11 PM

The first lot i got were really good, they wore out before they broke.
the second lot not so good, i had a few snapped.

matt_gsxr - 14/6/11 at 06:27 PM

They are cheap, and last a variable amount of time. Some seem to last for ages, some literally a second or two.

Peteff - 14/6/11 at 10:13 PM

I get mine from johnt1102 on ebay and have had no problems with them. Which ones are you using?