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making template for digidash
RK - 29/8/11 at 12:47 PM

What's the best way to make a template for a DigiDash, which of course, has screws you have to put into the unit from the back? I have made several, and still, the holes don't line up properly. I've measured, made it of paper, cardboard, scrap ally, measured twice and all that. help please.
thank you sincerely

Rod Ends - 29/8/11 at 01:13 PM

Make two slots, one vertical and one horizontal, so you can adjust the dash location.

IainL - 29/8/11 at 01:52 PM

If it's the ETB Digidash2 there's a template on the disc that it came with or I think there's one on there website, but make sure when you print it off your printer does not scale it.

After printing just check the measurements they should be spot on.

Hope this helps,

RK - 30/8/11 at 01:38 AM

Gee I forgot about that. I'll go to their website and check. Thanks!

RK - 31/8/11 at 12:59 PM

Well that was no better. Template didn't work for me. It's down to large holes so some of the holes are bound to line up, and large washers. Might need longer screws though. Still don't understand how people to it.

MikeFellows - 31/8/11 at 01:41 PM

when I fitted a stack dash to a previous car, I just put the dash on the photo copier and took a photocopy.

perfect size/scale, and I just had to cut it out


RK - 5/9/11 at 03:24 PM

yes did the photocopy thing. no better. I went with big holes and washers. I don't think you can do it without a drill press, which I have avoided buying, although it would have been quite useful. Space issues...